基于功率容量和口径匹配的考虑,设计了一种超宽带折线型TEM喇叭天线。相比传统恒阻抗TEM喇叭,主要改进在于采用了同轴到平板过渡的馈入结构,辐射极板改为两段折线形式。通过理论模拟和实验研究对两种天线的输入、辐射特性进行了比较和分析。结果表明:采用960 ps宽度的高斯脉冲激励,同轴平板过渡峰值功率传输效率达到85%;相比于恒阻抗喇叭,折线TEM喇叭辐射峰值电场提高30%,H面方向图主瓣宽度由80压缩至60,同时改善了700 MHz频带内的传输辐射特性,瞬态脉冲峰值功率容量达到15 GW。
In this paper, we introduce a ultra-wideband curving TEM horn, the considerations in product design are mainly power capacity and caliber match. Comparing the ultra-wideband curving TEM horn with the classical invariational-impedance TEM horn, the main structure improvements are coaxial-to-plane converter and curving radiation-plate. The input and radiation characteristics of this two antennas are analyzed. Results are as follows: when the antenna is excited by Gaussian pulse with a pulse width of 960ps, the peak-power transmission efficiency of the coaxial-to-plane converter is 85%. Compared with the invariational-impedance TEM horn, the curving TEM horn has 30% increase at peak-peak electric field radiation, its H-plane directivity diagram is compressed from 80 to 60, furthermore, the transmission and radiation characteristics are improved within 700 MHz, the transient peak-power-capability of the pulse reaches 15 GW. This curving TEM horn is used successfully in the high-power-microwave radiation system of ultra-wideband.