为了实现阵列天线波束高效控制和系统小型化, 实现多轴微型直流伺服系统达到高速、并行控制, 根据Nios Ⅱ处理器的Avalon总线规范, 利用Verilog硬件描述语言, 设计了一种基于现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)的微型直流电机控制器IP核。该控制器采用了有限状态机的方法, 分多模块实现硬件控制功能。针对微型直流电机特性, 采用了比例-积分-微分(PID)算法、分段控制及启停监测等控制策略。最后利用软件Quartus Ⅱ及DE0开发板进行了仿真和实验验证, 实验表明, 该控制器具有响应速度快、定位精度高、可靠性高、体积小等特点, 可以可靠地对各路微型直流电机进行独立控制, 且控制性能良好, 能够实现天线单元快速、准确的相位控制。
In order to achieve the phase control of array antenna efficiently, miniaturization, high-speed and parallel control, according to the Nios Ⅱs Avalon bus specification, the paper introduces the design of an IP core for DC-Micromotor controller based on FPGA, and the completion of simulation and experimental verification using Verilog hardware description language. In order to meet the high-speed and parallel control requirements, the controller uses a method of finite-state machine, achieving hardware control functions by several modules. Based on DC micromotor driving characteristics, is uses a PID algorithm, sectional control and start-stop monitoring and other control strategies. Experiments show that the position control system has the characteristics of fast response, high precision, high reliability, small size, and portability; it independently controls multiple axis DC micromotor, and has good control performance, which can meet the requirements of fast and accurate phase control of the antenna.