Response characteristics of vehicle monopole antenna exposed to electromagnetic pulse
摘要: 针对车载系统中使用广泛的短波/超短波单极天线,利用CST仿真分析了高空核电磁脉冲对单极天线的耦合响应特性。计算了天线端接的50 Ω负载对电磁脉冲的时频域感应电压信号,研究了电压信号随不同的脉冲入射角、不同车顶面积以及天线不同位置的变化规律。仿真结果表明:馈电点响应电压峰值随着入射脉冲电场矢量与水平夹角的增大而增大,随着车顶对入射脉冲的有效反射面积增大而增大。仿真结果对车辆天线布局方案的定制及天线系统电磁脉冲防护器件的选择具有重要的指导意义。Abstract: Monopole antenna is widely used as HF/VHF radio in vehicle system. Its response characteristics exposed to high-altitude nuclear electromagnetic pulse(HEMP) is simulated using CST in this paper. The time-domain and frequency-domain response voltages of antenna terminal's 50 Ω load are calculated. And its their variation with angle of incidence of electromagnetic pulse, top area of vehicle and antenna position in top surface are explored. The simulation results show that the maximum response voltage at feeding point increases as the increase of the angle between electric field vector of incident pulse and horizontal plane, and the increases of effective reflection area to incident pulse. The simulation results have important guiding significance for the antennas layout and the selection of electromagnetic pulse protection device for the antenna system.
表 1 三种标准基本波形参数
Table 1. Basic waveform parameters of three standards
standard E0/(kV·m-1) k α/s-1 β/s-1 tr/ns tf/ns tw/ns DOD STD MIL-STD-2169 50 1.285 3.0×107 4.76×108 3.1 550 30 Bell Labs 50 1.05 4.0×106 4.76×108 4.1 550 184 IEC STD IEC 61000-2-9 50 1.3 4.0×107 6.0×108 2.5 55 23 表 2 负载感应电压时域曲线参数
Table 2. Time domain curve parameters of induced voltage
θ/(°) forward maximum voltage/kV reverse maximum voltage/kV rising edge time/ns 30 4.25 -2.87 1.5 45 6.00 -4.15 1.8 60 7.35 -5.24 2.3 90 8.64 -6.22 3.3 表 3 负载感应电压时域曲线参数
Table 3. Time domain curve parameters of induced voltage
L/m forward maximum voltage/kV reverse maximum voltage/kV rising edge time/ns 0.5 5.56 -3.89 1.83 1.0 6.00 -4.15 1.81 1.5 6.36 -4.25 1.82 2.0 6.70 -4.55 1.85 -
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