Improving calculation efficiency of neutron multiplicity counting by sequential detection events simulation
摘要: 提出基于时序处理探测事件的中子多重性计数统计方法。在JMCT粒子输运数值模拟程序的基础上研发了用于统计中子多重性计数的专用数值模拟程序JMCT_NMC,实现在线的中子多重性计数模拟功能。展示了利用中子多重性计数算例检验程序,比较了JMCT_NMC与传统算法计算时间消耗的结果。时序探测事件处理方法不需大量存储粒子信息,在解决中子多重性计数模拟受内存限制问题的同时,提升了计算效率。在JMCT_NMC程序中,时序探测事件模拟手段在探测器关联事件模拟、本底分析等领域还有着更广泛的应用前景。Abstract: Neutron multiplicity counting (NMC) has been widely used in many fields related to non-destructive nuclear material measurement, such as nuclear material protection control and accounting, arms control verification and so on. Developing simulation tools, and carrying out numerical experiments are important means in the research on the application of NMC, which also become one important area of neutron transport simulation. This paper presents a new method to calculate NMC by sequential detection events simulation. By realizing the on-line NMC calculation, based on JMCT particle transport simulation code, the program to simulate neutron multiplicity counting, JMCT_NMC, was developed. This paper also presents some results of NMC calculation examples to test the code, and comparison of the time consumption of JMCT_NMC and traditional method. In JMCT_NMC code, by getting rid of the large data storage requirement, it is possible to simulate neutron multiplicity with large event number and high calculation efficiency.
表 1 252Cf自发裂变中子多重性的评价值[22]
Table 1. Evaluated neutron multiplicity data for 252Cf spontaneous fission
η 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P(η) 0.002 1 0.026 0.12 0.27 0.30 0.18 0.066 0.014 0.001 8 0.000 10 5.00×10-7 表 2 不同计算方法消耗时间比较表
Table 2. Time consumed with different calculation methods
index I/s-1 Tdet/s ntotal TJ/s consumed time by JMCT+post TNMC/s TJMO/s TP/s Ttotal/s 1 1×102 1×104 1×106 11 24 10 34 11 2 1×102 1×105 1×107 103 227 98 325 106 3 1×102 1×106 1×108 1073 2255 991 3246 1066 4 1×102 1×107 1×109 9669 22 035 - - 11 002 5 1×103 1×102 1×106 11 24 10 34 11 6 1×103 1×103 1×107 103 221 96 317 110 表 3 输出模块耗费计时统计表
Table 3. Time consumed in output modules
index TJM/s TJMO/s Tout/s Rout/% 1 11 24 13 54 2 109 227 118 52 3 1156 2255 1099 49 4 11 646 22 035 10 389 47 5 11 24 13 54 6 110 221 111 50 -
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