Failure mechanism and parameter threshold analysis of the internally pressurized cylinder shell under laser irradiation
摘要: 通过数值计算模拟了激光诱导充压柱壳的热力破坏效应,研究了典型结构的动态爆裂过程,获得的破坏模式与实验结果基本一致。给出了三类典型破坏模式及其对应的参数范围,探讨了各类破坏模式的形成机理,并分析了不同光斑尺寸、壳体厚度条件下热软化效应对破坏内压阈值的影响,以及预内压与破坏时间的关系。研究结果表明:光斑半径越大、热软化程度越高,柱壳的破坏内压阈值越低,且破坏内压阈值随着壳体厚度的减小呈线性下降;给定激光参数和壳体参数下破坏时间随预充内压增大而减小并呈二次函数关系。给出了一种通过热软化程度预估激光诱导充压柱壳破坏时间的方法。Abstract: Thermal-mechanical failure behavior of the internally pressurized cylinder shell under laser irradiation is investigated by numerical approach. The dynamic bursting processes are simulated, and the obtained failure modes are validated by experiment. Three typical failure modes are found and the corresponding parameter ranges are listed, and formation mechanisms of each failure mode are discussed. The effect of thermal softening on the threshold of internal pressure at different laser spot sizes and shell thicknesses are explored, and the relation between internal pressure and failure time is discussed. The results show that the threshold of internal pressure decreases with the increasing laser spot size and the extent of thermal softening, and it is in linear relationship with the shell thickness. At given laser parameters and shell parameters, the failure time declines in a quadratic function of internal pressure. A method to predict the failure time of internally pressurized cylinder shell under laser irradiation based on thermal softening factor is proposed and presented.
表 1 不同温度下7A04铝合金热力学性能参数
Table 1. Thermal-mechanical parameters of 7A04 aluminum alloy varying with temperature
T/K λ/(W·m-1· K-1) C/(J·kg-1· K-1) α/(10-6· K-1) E/GPa σs/MPa ν 293 155 880 22.0 66 432 0.350 373 159 921 23.6 61 402 0.355 473 163 1005 25.2 50 235 0.360 573 163 1047 26.8 46 118 0.365 673 159 1089 28.4 43 69 0.370 表 2 第Ⅰ类破坏模式:“X”型整体爆裂的相关参数范围
Table 2. Parameters related to failure type Ⅰ: "X" type burst
No. R h q0/(W·cm-2) P/Pb 1 0.03 0.01 424 0.95~0.99 2 0.05 0.01 153 0.95~0.99 3 0.07 0.002~0.01 78 0.95~0.99 4 0.1 0.01 38 0.95~0.99 表 3 第Ⅱ类破坏模式:裂纹扩展爆裂的相关参数范围
Table 3. Parameters related to failure type Ⅱ: crack propagation and burst
No. R h q0/(W·cm-2) P/Pb 1 0.03 0.01 424 0.7~0.85 2 0.05 0.01 153 0.6~0.85 3 0.07 0.004~0.01 78 0.6~0.85 4 0.07 0.002 78 0.65~0.88 5 0.1 0.01 38 0.55~0.85 表 4 第Ⅲ类破坏模式:局部穿孔的相关参数范围
Table 4. Parameters related to failure type Ⅲ: local perforation failure
No. R h q0/(W·cm-2) P/Pb 1 0.03 0.01 424 0.01~0.59 2 0.05 0.01 153 0.01~0.53 3 0.07 0.004~0.01 78 0.01~0.47 4 0.07 0.002 78 0.01~0.61 5 0.1 0.01 38 0.01~0.35 -
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