Fabrication and γ spectrum characteristic test of a laminated CdZnTe detector
摘要: 实验制备了单层和叠层(双层)碲锌镉探测器,并利用241Am@59.54 keV和57Co@122 keV γ射线源测试了其γ能谱特性。相比单层探测器,对于较高能量的57Co@122 keV γ射线,叠层碲锌镉探测器表现出较高的探测效率和光峰值效率,较好地改善了康普顿连续统一体,表现出与整块等厚度碲锌镉探测器类似的性能;但光生载流子收集效率变差,能谱峰位向低道区偏移;能量分辨率未得到改善。实验初步表明,通过叠加方法制备叠层碲锌镉探测器是可行的,并可推断制备更大厚度的叠层探测器将有利于中高能γ射线能谱测量。Abstract: Single layer and laminated (double layer) CdZnTe detectors were prepared and their gamma spectrum characteristics were tested using 241Am@59.54 keV and 57Co@122 keV gamma ray sources. Compared with the single layer detector, for the higher energy gamma rays of 57Co@122 keV, the laminated CdZnTe detectors exhibited higher detection efficiency and light peak efficiency, and improved the Compton continuum, showing similar performance to that of a single-layered CdZnTe detector of the same thickness; but charge carriers collection efficiency became worse, and the peak position of the energy spectrum shifted to lower channel area; energy resolution was not improved. The experimental results show that it is feasible to prepare the laminated CdZnTe detector by stacking method, and it can be inferred that the preparation of stacked detectors of larger thickness will be beneficial for mid- and high-energy gamma ray spectrometry.
Key words:
- laminated /
- CdZnTe /
- detector /
- fabrication /
- test
表 1 单、双层探测器γ能谱分辨率及全能峰峰区计数率对比
Table 1. Comparison of gamma spectrum resolution and counting rate at full energy peak area for single and double layer detectors
number of CZT layers γ spectrum resolution/% (241Am) counting rate at full energy peak area/cps (241Am) γ spectrum resolution/% (57Co) counting rate at full energy peak area/cps (57Co) 2 8.93 1765 — 780 1 5.50 1718 — 538 -
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