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席发元 宋凤军

席发元, 宋凤军. 叠层碲锌镉探测器制备及γ能谱特性测试[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 036005. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170315
引用本文: 席发元, 宋凤军. 叠层碲锌镉探测器制备及γ能谱特性测试[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 036005. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170315
Xi Fayuan, Song Fengjun. Fabrication and γ spectrum characteristic test of a laminated CdZnTe detector[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 036005. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170315
Citation: Xi Fayuan, Song Fengjun. Fabrication and γ spectrum characteristic test of a laminated CdZnTe detector[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 036005. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170315


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170315

四川省教育厅资助科研项目 15ZA0106

核废物与环境安全国防重点学科实验室预研基金项目 15yyhk12



  • 中图分类号: TL816

Fabrication and γ spectrum characteristic test of a laminated CdZnTe detector

  • 摘要: 实验制备了单层和叠层(双层)碲锌镉探测器,并利用241Am@59.54 keV和57Co@122 keV γ射线源测试了其γ能谱特性。相比单层探测器,对于较高能量的57Co@122 keV γ射线,叠层碲锌镉探测器表现出较高的探测效率和光峰值效率,较好地改善了康普顿连续统一体,表现出与整块等厚度碲锌镉探测器类似的性能;但光生载流子收集效率变差,能谱峰位向低道区偏移;能量分辨率未得到改善。实验初步表明,通过叠加方法制备叠层碲锌镉探测器是可行的,并可推断制备更大厚度的叠层探测器将有利于中高能γ射线能谱测量。
  • 图  1  封装后的单层CZT探测器

    Figure  1.  Single layer CZT detector after being encapsulated

    图  2  封装后的双层CZT探测器(图中红点为GND)

    Figure  2.  Double-layered CZT detector after being encapsulated (red point in middle picture is GND)

    图  3  用于拼接的两枚单层CZT探测器的I-V特性图

    Figure  3.  I-V characteristics of two single-layered CZT detectors for splicing

    图  4  单层及叠层CZT探测器对241Am@59.54 keV γ射线的能谱响应

    Figure  4.  Energy spectrum response of single layer and stacked CZT detectors to 241Am@59.54 keV gamma ray

    图  5  单层及叠层CZT探测器对57Co@122 keV γ射线的能谱响应

    Figure  5.  Energy spectrum response of single layer and stacked CZT detectors to 57Co@122 keV gamma ray

    表  1  单、双层探测器γ能谱分辨率及全能峰峰区计数率对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of gamma spectrum resolution and counting rate at full energy peak area for single and double layer detectors

    number of CZT layers γ spectrum resolution/% (241Am) counting rate at full energy peak area/cps (241Am) γ spectrum resolution/% (57Co) counting rate at full energy peak area/cps (57Co)
    2 8.93 1765 780
    1 5.50 1718 538
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  • 收稿日期:  2017-08-11
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