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孙凤举 姜晓峰 王志国 魏浩 邱爱慈

孙凤举, 姜晓峰, 王志国, 等. 四级串联共用腔体MA级FLTD的设计与仿真[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 035001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170351
引用本文: 孙凤举, 姜晓峰, 王志国, 等. 四级串联共用腔体MA级FLTD的设计与仿真[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 035001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170351
Sun Fengju, Jiang Xiaofeng, Wang Zhiguo, et al. Design and simulation of fast linear transformer driver with four stages in series sharing common cavity shell and mega-ampere current[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 035001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170351
Citation: Sun Fengju, Jiang Xiaofeng, Wang Zhiguo, et al. Design and simulation of fast linear transformer driver with four stages in series sharing common cavity shell and mega-ampere current[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 035001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170351


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170351

国家自然科学基金项目 5179520012

国家自然科学基金项目 51790521

国家自然科学基金项目 51790523


    孙凤举(1967—),男,博士,研究员,主要从事脉冲功率技术研究; sun-feng-ju@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TL51;TM836

Design and simulation of fast linear transformer driver with four stages in series sharing common cavity shell and mega-ampere current

  • 摘要: 目前MA级快脉冲直线变压器驱动源(FLTD)模块一般引入2~4路快前沿(约20 ns)高幅值(100 kV)电脉冲触发,百TW级数十MA的FLTD驱动源含有数千个模块,其触发系统非常庞大,并且要求触发脉冲按照精确时序到达各级串联模块,以便实现与次级行波同步的感应电压高效叠加,触发系统成为大型FLTD驱动源的瓶颈之一。在之前提出的一种利用一路外触发脉冲实现数十模块串联FLTD与次级行波同步的感应电压高效叠加触发方式基础上,设计了4级串联共用腔体的MA级FLTD模块组,每级共24支路,其中1个用作触发支路,主放电支路由2只100 nF双端引出电极电容器和1只GW级气体开关组成;建立了16级串联、次级为水线的单路FLTD电路模型,数值仿真研究了支路开关自放电、触发支路开关闭合时序与分散性,以及次级传输线阻抗对驱动源的影响。
  • 图  1  主放电支路

    Figure  1.  Main brick of Fast Linear Transformer Driver (FLTD)

    图  2  主放电支路短路放电电流波形

    Figure  2.  Discharge current of main brick at short load

    图  3  四级串联共用腔体FLTD模块结构

    Figure  3.  Configuration of FLTD module with 4 stages sharing common cavity

    图  4  每级FLTD主放电支路触发连线方式

    Figure  4.  Line connection of triggering of switches

    图  5  16级串联FLTD等效电路模型

    Figure  5.  Equivalent circuit of 16-stage FLTD

    图  6  次级水传输线电路模型

    Figure  6.  Model of secondary water-insulated transmission line

    图  7  匹配负载电流随支路电感的变化

    Figure  7.  Load current waveforms

    图  8  支路开关自放电其他支路开关两端电压的变化

    Figure  8.  Voltages of other switches when one switch prefires, impedance coefficient m=1 to 5

    图  9  自放电支路电流m=1~5

    Figure  9.  Current of prefire brick, m=1 to 5

    图  10  自放电支路和正常放电时支路电流波形

    Figure  10.  Prefire brick current and normal operating brick's current

    图  11  采用IVA时序开关闭合时间分散性对16级串联FLTD负载电流波形的影响

    Figure  11.  Influence of time jitters of closing sequence of FLTD switches at ideal IVA mode on matched impedance load current

    图  12  三种典型时序下匹配负载波形

    Figure  12.  Load current at three triggering sequences

    图  13  α从0到3,间隔0.15负载电流波形

    Figure  13.  Load currents when triggering coefficient α from 0 to 3 interval 0.15

    表  1  负载电流峰值与前沿随支路电感的变化

    Table  1.   Load's peak current and rise time change with brick inductance

    Lb/nH Ip/kA Tr/ns Lb/nH Ip/kA Tr/ns
    140 992 46.8 150 963 48.4
    160 936 50.6 170 912 52.7
    180 889 54.9 190 868 57.1
    200 847 59.1 210 830 61.3
    220 812 63.5 230 797 65.4
    240 781 67.4 250 766 69.4
    260 753 71.1
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    表  2  开关闭合分散性对负载电流峰值及前沿的影响

    Table  2.   Influence of time jitters of closing sequence of FLTD switches on load current peak and rise time

    Δt/ns Ip/kA rise time (0.1~0.9): Tr/ns
    max min average δ max min average δ
    3 868 836 849 5.9 70 58 62 2.8
    5 867 831 849 8.4 75 55 65.5 4.6
    10 899 828 861 16.1 103.5 58.7 74.0 8.8
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