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邵珠强 胡增荣 郭绍雄 倪阳阳 李悦 张瑶 陈长军 王晓南

邵珠强, 胡增荣, 郭绍雄, 等. 激光烧结石墨烯铜复合材料温度场有限元模拟[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 039001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170366
引用本文: 邵珠强, 胡增荣, 郭绍雄, 等. 激光烧结石墨烯铜复合材料温度场有限元模拟[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 039001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170366
Shao Zhuqiang, Hu Zengrong, Guo Shaoxiong, et al. Numerical simulation of temperature field distribution for laser sintering graphene reinforced copper composites[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 039001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170366
Citation: Shao Zhuqiang, Hu Zengrong, Guo Shaoxiong, et al. Numerical simulation of temperature field distribution for laser sintering graphene reinforced copper composites[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 039001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170366


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.170366

苏州大学校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目 2016xj066

苏州大学大学生课外学术科研基金资助项目 KY2017716B





  • 中图分类号: TF124.5

Numerical simulation of temperature field distribution for laser sintering graphene reinforced copper composites

  • 摘要: 在激光烧结石墨烯增强铜基复合材料的过程中,了解瞬时温度场分布对优化工艺参数、控制烧结质量有重要作用。建立了激光烧结预涂在42CrMo基板上的石墨烯铜的混合粉末的有限元模型。研究了激光烧结过程温度场分布,熔池的几何参数以及烧结层与基体的冶金结合宽度。为了验证模拟结果,使用与模拟相同的参数进行了单道激光烧结的实验。研究表明,热传导、热辐射和相变潜热在激光烧结过程的温度场分布中起重要作用。实验结果与模拟结果较为一致。所以可以依据模拟结果预测实验的温度场分布和熔池几何参数,同时也可以据此优化激光烧结参数。
  • 图  1  激光烧结石墨烯-铜示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic of laser sintering process

    图  2  激光烧结石墨烯-铜有限元模型

    Figure  2.  FEM model of laser sintering of graphene-copper composites

    图  3  激光烧结温度场分布云图

    Figure  3.  Contours of laser sintering temperature field at different time

    图  4  3.5 s时的温度场分布云图

    Figure  4.  Contours of laser sintering temperature field on different surface at 3.5 s

    图  5  3.5 s时沿不同线上温度分布情况

    Figure  5.  Temperature distribution on different line at 3.5 s

    图  6  激光烧结过程中选定点上的热循环曲线

    Figure  6.  Thermal cycles of selected points during laser sintering

    图  12  (a) 激光单道烧结石墨烯-铜试样,(b)石墨烯-铜复合材料表面形貌SEM图片

    Figure  12.  (a) Single track laser sintered graphene-copper samples, (b)SEM image of surface morphology of graphene-copper

    图  13  激光烧结石墨烯-铜XRD图谱和拉曼光谱

    Figure  13.  Laser sintered graphene-copper composites, (a)XRD patterns and (b) Raman spectrum

    表  4  不同激光功率模拟在3.5 s时的结果

    Table  4.   Simulation results under different laser power at 3.5 s

    simulation laser power/W highest temperature of coating layer surface/K highest temperature of joint surface /K depth of melting pool /mm width of metallurgical bonding at joint surface/mm
    SP1 70 1477 1290 0.9 0
    SP2 90 1528 1400 0.1 0
    SP3 110 1837 1560 0.11 0
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    表  5  不同扫描速度模拟在3.5 s时的结果

    Table  5.   Simulation results under different scanning speed at 3.5 s

    simulation scan speed /(mm·min-1) highest temperature of coating layer surface/K highest temperature of joint surface /K depth of melting pool /mm width of metallurgical bonding at joint surface/mm
    Sv1 2 1528 1400 0.1 0
    Sv2 4 1337 1210 0.08 0
    Sv3 6 1224 1120 0 0
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    表  6  不同激光功率的实验结果(3.5 s)

    Table  6.   Experiment results under different laser power at middle of laser scanning line (3.5 s)

    experiment laser power/W depth of melting pool/mm width of metallurgical bonding at joint surface/mm
    EP1 70 0.05 0
    EP2 90 0.1 15
    EP3 110 0.12 0.05
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  • 收稿日期:  2017-09-09
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