Cognitive operations and intelligentizing characterization for battlefield electromagnetic operational environment
摘要: 围绕战场电磁作战环境智能表征问题,首先从认知这一概念切入,去理解作战艺术与认知作战的关系,并将电磁域作战与电磁频谱作战、电磁频谱作战与陆、海、空、天、网络联合作战紧密联系在一起;进而通过认知科学与人工智能视角,厘清了联指三类作战态势图构建与运作对电磁目标和战场电磁环境要素和表征的要求;针对电磁域作战全过程各任务阶段各层级人员认知水平,分析了战场电磁作战环境的分层认知与智能表征的内涵与关系,并对战场电磁作战环境智能表征问题在宏观上进行了把握。Abstract: Focusing on intelligentizing characterization for battlefield electromagnetic operational environment, firstly, the relations between cognitive operations and operational art are introduced, and operations in electromagnetic domain, electromagnetic spectrum operations and their correlated operations in the air, land, maritime, and space domains are analyzed. And then, based on the viewpoint of cognitive science and artificial intelligence, the requirements of the military tactical picture, common tactical picture and common operational picture for the characterization of battlefield electromagnetic operational environment are proposed. The real meanings of the layered cognition and intelligentized characterization, used for different commanders and staffs in full operation cycle, of battlefield electromagnetic operational environment are pointed out. Finally, the vision for intelligentizing battlefield electromagnetic operational environment characterization is set.
表 1 电磁目标和电磁环境的一种表征
Table 1. EOB-related emitter technical data and electromagnetic environment data
emitter technical data electromagnetic environment data (communications operations and emitters) (noncommunications operations and emitters) aspect technical and operational characteristics aspect technical and operational characteristics aspect technical and operational characteristics frequency range and use HF, VHF, UHF, etc. frequency range band of operation noise spectrum function call sign use rota, random, etc. location fixed, mobile clutter spectrum function transmitter power hearability, SIGINT collection, and DF location requirements platform air, ship, vehicle, fixed installation intrasystem EMI volts per meter emission type single, multichannel, spread spectrum, frequency hopping, burst, etc. associated C2 node or weapon system command post, type of weapon system intersystem EMI volts per meter signal type signal type analog or digital transmitter power effective radiated power, effective range ESD volts modulation AM, FM, PCM, etc. modulation characteristics pulse duration, pulse repetition frequency, etc. lightning transient emissions and associated rise and fall times cryptologic system public, private key, none purpose of function jamming, surveillance, targeting, C2, fire control, etc. p-static transient emissions and associated rise and fall times system type voice, data, teletype, facsimile, video, combinations of some or all EMP transient emissions and associated rise and fall times language use dialect, written, or voice background EMI volts per meter and associated bandwidth miscellaneous communication procedures, emissions control practices, use of deception, security systems, etc. suppressive EMI volts per meter and associated bandwidth deceptive EMI complexity -
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