Pulsed magnetization characteristic of amorphous cores for fast linear transformer driver
摘要: 针对25 μm 2605TCA非晶涂层、25 μm 2605SA1非晶夹膜和50 μm DG6硅钢夹膜三种材料和工艺磁芯,对比研究了不同激磁条件下的磁化特性。结果表明:改变磁芯激磁条件,磁通密度变化量(ΔB)几乎不变,DG6硅钢夹膜磁芯和2605TCA非晶涂层磁芯ΔB均为3.1 T,2605SA1非晶夹膜磁芯ΔB仅为2.4 T;不同激磁条件下,相对磁导率变化较为明显,三种磁芯相对磁导率均随激磁特征参数的增加而迅速减小,当激磁特征参数由67 V/(cm2·ns)增加至129 V/(cm2·ns)时,2605SA1非晶夹膜磁芯最大相对磁导率由1800减小至1200,2605TCA非晶涂层磁芯最大相对磁导率由1100减小至400,相同激磁特征参数下2605TCA非晶涂层磁芯相对磁导率小于2605SA1非晶夹膜磁芯相对磁导率;DG6硅钢夹膜磁芯在快脉冲条件下磁化性能较差,最大相对磁导率仅为130。Abstract: Based on the experimental data, this paper presents the pulsed magnetization characteristic of magnetic cores made of 25 μm metglass 2605TCA, 25 μm metglass 2605SA1 and 50 μm electric steel DG6. The characteristic parameter, the slope of the voltage pulse per unit area of magnetic core, is proposed to standardize the condition of exciting the core. It indicates that the magnetic flux density swing (ΔB) keeps nearly constant as the parameter is changed, the ΔB values of 2605TCA and DG6 are about 3.1 T, while the ΔB value of 2605SA1 is only 2.4 T. When the characteristic parameter is increased from 67 to 129, the relative permeability of 2605SA1 is decreased from 1800 to 1200, while the relative permeability of 2605TCA is decreased from 1100 to 400. Hence, the relative permeability of metglass varies evidently as the characteristic parameter is different. The DG6 performs not well under fast rise time pulse, which shows that the maximum of the relative permeability is only 130 and the relative permeability drops sharply as the magnetic core tends to be saturated. These experimental results are useful to the choice of the magnetic cores for fast linear transformer driver stage.
表 1 三种样品磁芯参数
Table 1. Parameters of magnetic cores
core outside diameter/mm inside diameter/mm space factor/% Se/cm2 electric steel DG6 220 90 79 10.27 met-glass 2605TCA 272 148 90 11.16 met-glass 2605SA1 204 88 71 8.24 -
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