Multi pulse X-ray dose measurement of Dragon-Ⅱ
摘要: 神龙二号加速器可以产生三个脉冲宽度约80 ns(FWHM)、脉冲间隔约500 ns的X射线,为了获得每个脉冲X射线剂量,采用康普顿探测器和热释光剂量计相结合的方法进行测量。针对神龙二号加速器X射线能谱分布,采用MCNP程序优化设计康普顿探测器,测量多脉冲X射线信号,获得每个脉冲的剂量比例,应用热释光剂量计测量多脉冲X射线总剂量,由总剂量和剂量比例准确得到每个脉冲X射线剂量,实现神龙二号加速器多脉冲X射线剂量测量。Abstract: Dragon-Ⅱ is a linear induction accelerator, which can produce up to three bremsstrahlung X-ray pulses. Each X-ray pulse width is about 80 ns(FWHM), and time interval between pulses is about 500 ns. Each pulse X-ray dose is a critical parameter for Dragon-Ⅱ. Compton detector, combined with thermo luminescent dosemeter(TLD), was used to measure X-ray dose per pulse. MCNP program was used to design a Compton detector according to the characteristic of bremsstrahlung produced by Dragon-Ⅱ accelerator. Compton detector can measure multi-pulse X-ray signal and one pulse X-ray signal's integral is proportional to each pulse X-ray dose, and according to the total dose of three pulse X-ray obtained from TLD, each pulse X-ray dose can be obtained accurately.
Key words:
- Compton detector /
- thermo luminescent dosemeter /
- multi-pulse /
- X-ray dose /
- measurement
表 1 X射线累计照射后的剂量测量结果
Table 1. X-ray dose measurement results by cumulative irradiation
No. Ee/MeV Ib/kA Xs/R Xd/R Xt/R 5267A 18.6 2.06 353 728 1048 5268B 18.6 2.03 398 728 1048 5269C 18.3 1.91 362 1048 表 2 康普顿探测器和热释光剂量计测量结果比值
Table 2. Ratio of TLD to Compton detector measurement results
No. X-ray dose/R integral of CD signals/(nV·s) ratio/(R·nV-1·s-1) 5266A 356 960 0.37 5267A 353 960 0.37 5268B 398 1110 0.36 5269C 362 1010 0.36 5270AC 698 1840 0.38 表 3 神龙二号加速器X射线剂量测量结果
Table 3. X-ray dose measurement results of Dragon-Ⅱ
No. Ee/MeV Ib/kA total X-ray dose/(C·kg-1) integral of CD signals/(nV·s) X-ray dose per pulse/(C·kg-1) pulse A 18.2 2.03 1250 0.093 No.5273 pulse B 18.2 2.01 0.284 1310 0.098 pulse C 18.2 2.05 1240 0.093 pulse A 19.0 2.09 970 0.110 No.5301 pulse B 19.0 2.06 0.331 1020 0.116 pulse C 18.9 2.12 920 0.104 pulse A 19.0 2.08 950 0.104 No.5302 pulse B 19.0 2.06 0.315 1030 0.113 pulse C 18.9 2.12 900 0.099 pulse A 19.0 2.08 930 0.103 No.5303 pulse B 18.9 2.06 0.318 1030 0.114 pulse C 18.9 2.11 910 0.101 -
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