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杨佼汪 刘旭 曹刚 蔡泉 盛伟繁

杨佼汪, 刘旭, 曹刚, 等. 一种消除弯晶面形扭曲的轴角装置[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 091003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190046
引用本文: 杨佼汪, 刘旭, 曹刚, 等. 一种消除弯晶面形扭曲的轴角装置[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 091003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190046
Yang Jiaowang, Liu Xu, Cao Gang, et al. A rotary mechanism for eliminating the twist of bent crystal[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 091003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190046
Citation: Yang Jiaowang, Liu Xu, Cao Gang, et al. A rotary mechanism for eliminating the twist of bent crystal[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 091003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190046


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190046

国家重点研发计划项目 2017YFA0403000


    杨佼汪(1988—),男,博士研究生,主要研究方向为核技术及应用; yangjiaowang@ihep.ac.cn




  • 中图分类号: O432.1

A rotary mechanism for eliminating the twist of bent crystal

  • 摘要: Laue晶体单色器常用于单色化高能X射线(>50 keV),通过对其晶片压弯可以实现高能光束聚焦。晶片压弯过程中会不可避免地产生扭曲,从而影响单色器的工作效率。利用波动光学仿真的方法,分析弯晶面形扭曲对Laue晶体单色器性能的影响,并提出一种角位移微调轴角装置,用来消除这种扭曲。该装置基于直梁型柔性铰链,利用叠加原理和对称结构。利用有限元方法分析了该装置的力学性能。分析结果表明,轴角装置的转角范围为±2°时,其转动中心最大偏移为20 μm,实现了角位移分辨率好于1″,动态范围达到104,达到设计目标。
  • 图  1  (a) 晶体压弯机构;(b)理想鞍型的弯晶面型;(c)扭曲变形后的弯晶面形

    Figure  1.  (a) Schematic of the bending mechanism; (b) the ideal saddle figure and (c) saddle figure with the twisted deformation

    图  2  用XRT仿真的100 keV光子在样品处的光斑

    Figure  2.  At the sample position, beam spot is simulated by XRT with the photon energy of 100 keV

    图  3  轴角装置的3D(a)和2D(b)结构模型

    Figure  3.  3D (a) and 2D (b) models of the rotary mechanism

    图  4  轴角装置的等效刚度

    Figure  4.  Equivalent stiffness of the rotary mechanism

    图  5  直梁型柔性铰链的坐标系

    Figure  5.  Coordinate system of the beam flexure hinge

    图  6  轴角装置转动2°时, 中心点的偏移量随着直梁长度变化

    Figure  6.  The center shift varies with the length of the beam flexure hinge when the rotation angle of the rotary mechanism is 2°

    图  7  轴角装置转动2°时,最大应力随着直梁长度变化

    Figure  7.  The maximum stress varies with the length of the beam flexure hinge when the rotation angle of the rotary mechanism is 2°

    图  8  L1=55 mm,转角为2°时,利用有限元计算得到的轴角装置(a)等效应力和(b)剪切应力分布图

    Figure  8.  Distributions of (a) equivalent stress and (b) shear stress simulated by using FEA for the rotary mechanism, at L1=55 mm and rotation of 2°

    图  9  轴角装置转动力矩与转动角度的关系图

    Figure  9.  Relationship between the rotation angles and the rotation moments

    图  10  装配在压弯机构上的轴角装置样机

    Figure  10.  Prototype of the rotary mechanism assembled on the crystal bender

    图  11  (a) 晶体压弯后存在扭曲的面形误差;(b)经过校正的弯晶面形误差

    Figure  11.  (a) surface error with the twisted deformation after bending; (b) surface error after adjustment

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