Evaluation of electromagnetic shielding effectiveness for loaded metallic enclosures with apertures based on machine learning
摘要: 利用全波分析方法计算了不同电路板加载、不同孔缝和尺寸的开孔金属腔在0!5GHz范围内的屏蔽效能(SE), 获得共计5250个样本。进而利用机器学习中的随机森林回归算法, 对其中4200个样本数据进行训练, 获得了可以根据开孔腔物理尺寸、加载物材料及电磁特性和位置、频率等共计16个输入参数快速评估开孔加载金属腔屏蔽效能的机器学习模型。利用其余的1050个样本进行模型验证, 结果表明该模型可以快速准确地计算加载腔的电磁屏蔽效能。该模型具有随时根据样本量增加不断训练提高其普适性的特点, 可为实际工程中加载开孔腔的屏蔽设计及SE评估提供高效途径。Abstract: A machine learning based evaluation method for shielding effectiveness (SE) of loaded metallic enclosures with apertures under electromagnetic wave radiation is proposed.The SEs of a variety of metallic enclosures loaded with different printed circuit boards (PCBs) is calculated using full wave analysis simulation in the frequency range of 0-5 GHz, and 5250 samples are obtained.The random forest model which is one of the popular machine learning aggression algorithms is employed to train stochastically the selected 4200 samples.Consequently, the model capable to fast predict the SE for loaded shielding enclosures characterized by 16 parameters is implemented.The rest 1050 samples are used to verify the proposed random forest model.Resultsshow that the proposed model can quickly predict the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of the enclosure loaded with PCBs.
Key words:
- loaded metallic enclosures /
- shielding effectiveness /
- random forest /
- machine learning
表 1 加载有耗介质的尺寸及位置
Table 1. Dimension size and position of loaded lossy substrates
as/mm bs/mm cs/mm center point of PCB load 1 100 10 100 (150, 70, 60) load 2 10 100 10 (115, 60, 175) load 3 10 100 100 (105, 60, 150) load 4 100 20 100 (150, 60, 150) load 5 20 100 100 (150, 60, 150) load 6 100 100 100 (150, 60, 150) 表 2 各物理量的参数变化范围
Table 2. Value variation range of physical parameters
ae,be,ce as,bs,cs σ/(S·m-1) εr r/mm d/mm Nx,Ny xs,ys,zs f/GHz 10~50 cm 10~20 cm 0~50 1~4 5 ~8 5 ~10 1~10 varies in cavity 0~5 表 3 部分样本的参数及SE值
Table 3. Parameters value and SE of some samples
/mmNx Ny xs ys zs σ
/(S·m-1)εr f
/dB120 300 440 7.5 5 100 150 5 3 5 70 42.5 125 0.1 4 0.1 31.5 62.3 200 120 300 7.5 4 100 80 5 4 5 60 32.5 90 0.3 4 0.2 44.7 70.9 200 400 500 5.0 5 100 200 5 1 5 70 62.5 120 0.9 3 5 20.4 34.0 250 200 250 7.5 5 200 100 10 3 5 70 105 120 21 4 0.9 32.5 51.4 300 360 150 5.0 5 150 100 5 4 7 125 102.5 70 1 4 3.1 16.9 27.0 100 150 200 7.5 5 70 150 5 1 5 55 72.5 95 0.4 4 2.4 25.4 45.4 100 150 200 7.5 5 70 150 5 4 5 55 72.5 95 0.4 4 3 20.8 31.4 150 200 260 7.5 5 100 150 5 2 5 70 82.5 95 0.3 4 1.8 31.3 42.1 150 200 260 7.5 5 100 150 5 4 5 70 82.5 95 0.3 4 4 21.4 3.1 160 300 100 7.5 10 100 80 5 1 5 70 62.5 50 0.3 4 2.8 28.5 42.1 表 4 验证模型的参数取值
Table 4. Parameters value of the loaded metallic enclosure for validation
/mmNx Ny xs ys zs σ
/(S·m-1)εr f
/GHz240 320 460 5 6 80 100 120 5 7 140 150 160 0.6 2.6 0~5 表 5 样本量对随机森林模型训练精度的影响
Table 5. Effect of sample number on accuracy of radom forest model
sample number RMSE/dB R2 training set testing set training set testing set 2000 0.478 1.185 0.997 0.982 3000 0.382 0.953 0.998 0.988 4200 0.319 0.840 0.998 0.990 -
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