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代健 郝新红 贾瑞丽 陈齐乐 刘金烨

代健, 郝新红, 贾瑞丽, 等. 基于KFCM增量更新的无线电引信目标识别方法[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 063204. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190126
引用本文: 代健, 郝新红, 贾瑞丽, 等. 基于KFCM增量更新的无线电引信目标识别方法[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 063204. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190126
Dai Jian, Hao Xinhong, Jia Ruili, et al. Target recognition method for radio fuze based on KFCM algorithm with incremental update[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 063204. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190126
Citation: Dai Jian, Hao Xinhong, Jia Ruili, et al. Target recognition method for radio fuze based on KFCM algorithm with incremental update[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 063204. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190126


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190126

国防“973”计划项目 613196





  • 中图分类号: TJ434.1

Target recognition method for radio fuze based on KFCM algorithm with incremental update

  • 摘要: 针对传统无线电引信在复杂电磁环境下作用效果较差的问题,以连续波多普勒引信为例,通过对引信检波输出信号频域的分析,提出一种基于熵的特征提取方法,并利用KFCM算法对信号进行分类识别。由于实际战场环境复杂且不可预测,其背景噪声强度与实验环境下存在差异,因此结合KFCM增量更新特性,使分类模型根据噪声强度变化而实时更新调整,从而达到更好的分类效果。实验结果证明,基于增量更新KFCM算法能显著提高不同信噪比下引信目标识别能力,将KFCM增量更新算法运用到无线电引信抗干扰能取得良好效果。
  • 图  1  实测目标作用下引信检波输出频谱

    Figure  1.  Actually measured Fourier spectrum of fuze detection signal under the action of target signal

    图  2  实测噪声调幅扫频干扰下引信检波输出结果

    Figure  2.  Actually measured Fourier spectrum of fuze detection signal under the action of noise amplitude modulation frequency sweeping jamming signal

    图  3  引信检波信号频域熵3维分布

    Figure  3.  Three-dimension distribution of frequency entropy of fuze detection signal

    图  4  基于KFCM增量更新的引信检波分类流程

    Figure  4.  Process of fuze detection signal classification based on KFCM incremental update

    图  5  基于KFCM的引信检波信号分类结果

    Figure  5.  Classification result of fuze detection signal based on KFCM

    图  6  更新后的KFCM分类模型在不同信噪比下目标识别率

    Figure  6.  Target recognition accuracy of KFCM model after update at different signal-to-noise ratio

    图  7  不同更新次数下引信目标识别正确率

    Figure  7.  Classification accuracy of fuze detection signal at different update times

    表  1  KFCM算法改进前后实验结果

    Table  1.   Result before and after the improvement of KFCM

    average accuracy/% test times
    original 94.7 200
    improved 98.9 200
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    表  2  基于KFCM的引信目标信号识别结果

    Table  2.   Results of fuze target signal recognition based on KFCM

    SNR/ dB average accuracy/% test times
    5 99.02 200
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    表  3  不同更新次数下引信目标识别正确率

    Table  3.   Classification accuracy at different update times

    incremental update times average accuracy/% test times
    0(original) 81.46 200
    5 91.55 200
    20 97.23 200
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-03-09
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