A 28 GHz/50 kW continuous wave gyrotron with quasi-optical output
摘要: 研制出国内首支基于电子回旋加热应用的28 GHz/50 kW准光输出大功率连续波回旋管。该回旋管采用了双阳极磁控注入枪,TE02模式谐振腔,内置准光模式变换器,单级降压收集极。回旋管采用无液氦制冷超导磁体提供稳态磁场。实验中成功实现54.8 kW/1 s短脉冲输出和45.8 kW/30 s的连续波输出,工作频率为28.08 GHz,总效率达到57%。Abstract: Aiming for electron cyclotron heating application in plasma fusion system, a 28 GHz 50 kW gyrotron has been developed and fabricated. The gyrotron employs a triode magnetron injection gun, a conventional cylindrical cavity working under TE02 mode, a built-in quasi-optical mode converter with conversion efficiency of about 95%. In the experiment, Gaussian beams of 54.8 kW for 1 s pulse and 45.6 kW for 30 s continuous wave at 28.08 GHz were achieved. The corresponding total efficiency is 57%.
Key words:
- gyrotron /
- 28 GHz /
- electron cyclotron heating /
- continuous wave /
- quasi-optical output
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