Design of a high power rectangular cavity power combiner
摘要: 研究了一种基于矩形腔式功率合成的射频高功率合成器。该合成器可以实现功放模块与合成器的直接耦合,合成效率高,功率容量大,且功率容量可调,可以很好地满足目前CiADS中对固态发射机功率容量的梯度要求。12合1矩形腔式功率合成器仿真结果表明,合成器各输入端到输出端的幅度传输和相位传输具有很好的一致性,最大偏差分别在0.05 dB和0.5°以内,调节功放模块数量可以调节发射机的功率容量。Abstract: This paper studies a high power radio-frequency combiner based on rectangular cavity power combination. The combiner can achieve direct coupling with the power amplifier modules, with high combining efficiency, large power capacity, and adjustable power capacity, which can well meet the current CiADS requirements for the gradient of the power capacity of solid state amplifier. The simulation results of the 12 in 1 combiner show that the amplitude and phase transmissions of each input port to the output port have good consistency, maximum deviation within 0.05 dB and 0.5° respectively. The power capacity of the solid state amplifier can be adjusted by changing the number of power amplifier modules.
Key words:
- rectangular cavity /
- power combination /
- direct coupling /
- power capacity
表 1 不同插入深度d2和弯转半径r2下的输入耦合度VSWR2
Table 1. Input coupling VSWR2 at different insertion depths d2 and bending radius r2
d2/mm r2/mm VSWR2 d2/mm r2/mm VSWR2 10 10 6.8 14 14 11.8 12 12 9.3 15 15 13.1 15 12 10.1 16 16 14.3 表 2 11合1、8合1、4合1时的传输系数(单位:dB)
Table 2. Transmission coefficients of 11 in 1, 8 in 1, and 4 in 1 combiners
(dB) combiner S1, 13 S2, 13 S3, 13 S4, 13 S5, 13 S6, 13 S7, 13 S8, 13 S9, 13 S10, 13 S11, 13 S12, 13 S13, 13 11 in 1 -67.4 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -45.0 8 in 1 -53.5 -9.10 -9.12 -9.11 -9.10 -53.6 -53.8 -9.10 -9.12 -9.11 -9.10 -53.8 -42.1 4 in 1 -98.5 -66.5 -6.11 -6.11 -65.7 -79.3 -85.0 -66.2 -6.11 -6.11 -67.6 -79.1 -23.8 -
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