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谢彦召 刘民周 陈宇浩

谢彦召, 刘民周, 陈宇浩. 国家关键基础设施电磁恢复力[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 070001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190202
引用本文: 谢彦召, 刘民周, 陈宇浩. 国家关键基础设施电磁恢复力[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2019, 31: 070001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190202
Xie Yanzhao, Liu Minzhou, Chen Yuhao. Electromagnetic resilience of critical national infrastructure[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 070001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190202
Citation: Xie Yanzhao, Liu Minzhou, Chen Yuhao. Electromagnetic resilience of critical national infrastructure[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 31: 070001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190202


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201931.190202

国家重点研发计划项目 2016 YFC 0800100


    谢彦召(1973-), 男,博士,教授,从事高功率电磁环境与电磁脉冲研究;yzxie@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: X934

Electromagnetic resilience of critical national infrastructure

  • 摘要: 随着国家关键基础设施建设规模和信息化水平的提升,其在高空电磁脉冲、有意电磁干扰和地磁暴等强电磁环境下的电磁安全逐渐受到了国内外的关注。强电磁环境属于小概率、高风险事件,其影响机理和评估方法与雷电、系统内过电压等常规电磁事件有较大不同,采用期望风险指标的常规可靠性分析方法难以有效评估管理强电磁环境相关风险。从电磁恢复力视角出发,提出了关键基础设施电磁安全的三棱锥模型,并重点以电网为例,探讨关键基础设施电磁恢复力的内涵和外延,并对开展电磁恢复力研究提出建议。
  • 图  1  HEMP环境(IEC61000-2-9)

    Figure  1.  HEMP environment (IEC61000-2-9)

    图  2  电磁环境对设备级影响的相关概念

    Figure  2.  Concepts related to the impact of the electromagnetic environment on the equipment

    图  3  电磁事件作用下系统响应类型

    Figure  3.  Types of system response under electromagnetic disturbance

    图  4  关键基础设施电磁安全三棱锥模型

    Figure  4.  Triangular pyramid model for the electromagnetic security of critical infrastructures

    图  5  基础设施电磁安全建设的三个维度

    Figure  5.  Three dimensions of infrastructure electromagnetic security construction

    表  1  典型强电磁环境的特性对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of characteristics of typical extreme electromagnetic environment

    EM threat main frequency range amplitude main vulnerable equipment in power grids and its effect phenomena radius of influence
    HEMP 0.1~100 MHz(E1)
    100 kHz below(E2)
    0.1 mHz ~1 Hz(E3)
    50 kV/m(E1)
    10~100 V/m(E2)
    30~85 V/km(E3)
    disturbance or damage to the generator control system, insulation problems at the winding ends of transformers & reactors, DC biasing of high voltage transformers, fault of SCADA system in power grid, incorrect operation of relay protection, flashover of distribution insulators and failure of distribution transformers, etc. hundreds of kilometers~ thousands of kilometers
    IEMI 300MHz~tens of GHz dozens of kV/m~ hundreds of kV/m failure of secondary equipment such as power grid SCADA and relay protection system several meters~ tens of kilometers
    GMD 0.1 mHz~0.1 Hz 1~10 V/km DC biasing of high voltage transformers hundreds of kilometers~ thousands of kilometers
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