Electron beam introduction of Ka-band coaxial multi-beam relativistic klystron amplifier
摘要: 首先通过理论分析确定影响多注电子束引入效率的主要因素,确定初步的结构参数;其次利用三维粒子模拟软件建立Ka波段相对论多注二极管模型进行仿真优化,使电子束引入效率达到89%;并开展了电子束的产生与传输实验研究,验证了粒子模拟仿真结果。在电子束电压502 kV、束流4.34 kA、轴向磁感应强度0.76 T的条件下,电子束引入效率达到了72%,由电子束轰击尼龙靶材获得的电子束束斑图表明,电子束在产生与传输过程中形状未发生畸变,产生的电子束直径约为2 mm。模拟和实验研究验证了设计的强流多注二极管可以产生高品质的电子束和实现高效率的电子束引入。
- 高功率微波 /
- 同轴多注相对论速调管 /
- 相对论多注二极管 /
- 多注电子束引入
Abstract: This paper firstly determines the main factors affecting its the efficiency of multi-injection electron beam introduction and preliminary structural parameters through theoretical analysis. Secondly, the Ka-band relativistic multi-beam diode model is established by three-dimensional particle simulation software to optimize the structural parameters. The final efficiency of electron beam introduction can reach 89%. An experimental study on the generation and transmission of electron beams was carried out to verify the results of particle simulation. Under the condition of electron beam voltage 502 kV, beam current 4.34 kA, axial magnetic induction strength 0.76 T, the electron beam introduction efficiency reached 72%. The electron beam pattern obtained by electron beam bombardment of the nylon target indicates that the shape of the electron beam is not distorted during generation and transmission. The generated electron beam diameter is about 2 mm. The simulation and experimental results show that the designed high-current multi-beam diode can generate high-quality electron beams and achieve efficient electron beam introduction. -
表 1 多注阴极长度对引入效率的影响
Table 1. Effects of multi-beam cathode length on injection efficiency
L/mm total beam current/kA drift tube current/kA efficiency/% 8 5.56 3.9 70.1 10 5.65 4.2 74.3 15 5.76 4.4 76.4 表 2 磁场强度对引入效率的影响
Table 2. Effects of magnetic field intensity on injection efficiency
B0/T total beam current/kA drift tube current/kA efficiency/% 0.8 4.36 3.3 75.7 0.9 4.33 3.6 83.1 1.0 4.35 3.7 85.1 表 3 电压对引入效率的影响
Table 3. Effects of voltage on injection efficiency
V/kV total beam current/kA drift tube current/kA efficiency/% 400 3.12 2.7 86.5 500 4.35 4.1 86.3 600 5.64 4.8 85.1 表 4 阴阳极间距对引入效率的影响
Table 4. Effects of distance between anode and cathode on injection efficiency
D/mm total beam current/kA drift tube current/kA efficiency/% 25 5.28 4.7 89.0 30 4.75 4.1 86.3 35 4.35 3.7 85.0 -
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