Experimental research on reliability of 1 MV X-ray system for radiography
摘要: 参考“天蝎-Ι”原型机,重新设计了1 MV X光机系统,根据技术指标可靠性要求,对Marx发生器、场畸变开关、脉冲传输线、脉冲形成线及二极管等进行了可靠性设计。针对新设计的1 MV X光机系统,对其可靠性进行了实验研究,包含1 MV X光机系统的时间抖动和出光剂量稳定性等,根据调试实验结果制定1 MV X光机系统操作规程,按照规程对1 MV X光机系统进行了可靠性考核,连续工作81发次,最大时间抖动为146 ns,剂量为0.75~1.40 R @1 m,满足总体技术指标要求,可靠度达到98%。Abstract: Referring to the Scorpio-1 prototype, the 1 MV X-ray system for radiography was redesigned. According to the reliability requirements, it has a reliability design of the system elements, including Marx generator, field distortion switch, pulse forming line, pulse transmission line and rod-pinch diode. Moreover, the experimental tests on the reliability of the system, including time jitter and stability of X-ray, were performed. According to the experimental results, the system operates stable and continuous outputs more than 81 shots. The following technical parameters of the system were achieved: time jitter less than 146 ns, X-ray dose 0.75−1.40 R at 1 m right in front of the system and reliability up to 98%.
Key words:
- Marx generator /
- field distortion switch /
- reliability /
- 1 MV X-ray system /
- radiography
表 1 设计参数表
Table 1. Design parameters
geometrical parameters electrical parameters Marx generator dimensions:~2 970 mm×1 690 mm×1 000 mm;
switch gap:23 mm±0.2 mm9 stage; capacitor:100 kV/0.4 μF; charge voltage:
±58 kV; number of capacitor:18; k≈0.6pulse forming line inner diameter of the outer conductor:614 mm; outer diameter of the inner conductor:292 mm; L≈1 m equivalent capacitor:6 nF; impedance:5 Ω; k≈0.6 oil switch switch gap≈26 mm / pulse transmission line inner diameter of the outer conductor:614 mm; outer diameter of the inner conductor:76 mm; L≈1.34 m equivalent capacitor:2.9 nF; impedance:14 Ω; k≈0.6 rod-pinch diode diameter of the graphite cathode hole:12 mm; thickness:3 mm; diameter of the tungsten anode rod:1.5 mm; outer dimension~11 mm design impedance:40 Ω oil transmission line inner diameter of the outer conductor:320 mm; outer diameter of the inner conductor:102 mm; L≈2 m impedance:45 Ω; k≈0.6 表 2 可靠性措施表
Table 2. Measurements of the reliability
\ failure mode action hardware design oil transmission line,pulse transforming line and pulse transmission line electric breakdown conservative electrical stress design, k≈0.6 Marx generation electrical breakdown conservative Marx generation electrical stress design Marx generation trigger reliability pulse transformer trigger mode,output voltage up to double capacitor charge voltage,rise time less than 70 ns diode insulator and structure coherence robust electrode design and vacuum system design,assistant system procedural design inspector before test specific parameters of oil,water,vacuum and diode;special check table operation in test special operation order and time operation after test specific test recorder and analysis,find hidden failure 表 3 1 MV X光机系统与Cygnus工作情况对比表
Table 3. Performance contrast of the 1 MV X-ray system and Cygnus systems
working shots failure shots Cygnus1 164 2 Cygnus2 171 4 1 MV X-ray system 241 0 -
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