Basic types and technological implementation of charged particle accelerators
摘要: 现代粒子加速器的发展已有100年的历史。给出了粒子加速器主要类型的简单分类图表,从粒子加速器发展过程中相关概念演变和加速器技术逻辑发展的角度,概述了粒子加速器的基本类型、基本工作原理、相应的技术实现途径以及各类加速器的典型的技术特征。Abstract: The modern particle accelerators have developed greatly over the last 100 years. This article provides an overview of all main types of particle accelerators. Simple charts are given to exhibit conceptual and technological evolutions of major particle accelerators. It also briefly introduces the basic types, fundamental principles, technological approaches, and typical technical features of various types of particle accelerators.
图 24 花瓣形加速器加速结构示意图[58]
Figure 24. Rhodotron acceleration scheme
图 25 各类典型加速器的相互联系示意图
Figure 25. Evolution of acceleration mechanism(modified from Ref.[3])
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