Hybrid algorithm of radio wave propagation based on parabolic equation in cylindrical coordinates and method of moments
Abstract:In this paper, a novel hybrid modeling method is proposed for radio wave propagation prediction. This method is based on parabolic equation in cylindrical coordinates and method of moments. The method of moments is used to model the radio wave propagation in the small cylindrical region containing the radiation source and the near source obstacle, and the parabolic equation in cylindrical coordinate system is used to model the radio wave propagation in a large region outside method of moments region. The transition surface between method of momenst and parabolic equation is carefully treated to avoid the incompleteness of numerical calculation. The hybrid algorithm proposed in this paper is suitable for predicting the radio wave propagation under various conditions, and it is applied for three different scenarios: the near source region contains a finite windowed obstacle, a finite cube obstacle and a semi-closed cube space obstacle. The calculation results of the hybrid algorithm are compared to those obtained from full method of moment implementations of the same scenarios to verify its accuracy.
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