X-band 1600 W wideband amplitude-phase coherence pulsed TWTA for space application
摘要: 空间高分辨率合成孔径雷达(SAR)系统对大功率脉冲行波管放大器的带宽、输出脉冲能力、幅相一致性提出了更高的要求,基于宽带功率合成的kW级脉冲行波管放大器技术是空间应用的关键技术问题。研究了大功率脉冲行波管放大器宽带高幅相一致性控制技术和宽带功率合成技术,提出了空间用小型化脉冲双路合成行波管放大器集成结构,在3 GHz宽带内,实现了大于95%的合成效率,多台产品相位一致性≤±10°。Abstract: The spatial high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) puts forward very high requirements for bandwidth, output power and amplitude-phase consistency of the pulsed TWT amplifier. The kW class pulsed TWT amplifier based on broadband power combining is the key technology for space SAR applications. This paper studies the wideband high amplitude-phase consistency control technology and wideband power combining technology of the proposed amplifier. The space amplifier dual-channel power combining integrated architecture is proposed. More than 95% synthesis efficiency is achieved within 3 GHz bandwidth, and consistency of multiple products is less than ±10°.
Key words:
- space application /
- synthetic aperture radar /
- power amplifier /
- TWT /
- power combining
表 1 EPC主要性能指标表
Table 1. EPC main parameters
cathode voltage/kV power density/kW duty cycle/% repeat frequency/kHz weight/kg power efficiency/% 9 1.3 22 1~10 ≤2.6 ≥91 表 2 TWT的主要性能指标
Table 2. TWT main parameters
output power(peak)/W cathode voltage/kV duty cycle/% weight/kg power efficiency/% phase coherence/(°) ≥900 8.5 20 ≤1.5 45~52 −20~20 表 3 PTWTA性能指标
Table 3. PTWT main characteristics
frequencyoperating band
width/MHzpeak power
(single)/ Wgain flatness/ dB duty cycle/% pulse waveform
drop/ dBpower
efficiency/%X-band ≥3000 ≥1770 ≤1.2 22 ≤0.2 ≥36 phase
gain/ dBrepeat
frequency/ kHzEPC related spurious
modulation/55 dBcbus
voltage/ VRF interface
(input)RF interface
(output)≤±10 ≥85 1~10 ≥ 78~105.6 SMA WR90 -
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