Recent progress of high power narrow linewidth fiber laser
摘要: 近年来,光纤激光器得到了快速发展,且逐步应用于多个领域,功率的进一步提升仍然是光纤激光器的研究热点,光束合成是实现功率提升的重要手段,光束合成要求子光束为窄线宽光纤激光器,因此窄线宽光纤激光器的研究对光束合成功率的提升有重要意义。本文对窄线宽高功率光纤激光器的发展和研究现状进行了详细的介绍,并基于目前的研究现状分析了其发展的主要限制因素,并展望了未来的发展趋势。Abstract: In recent years, fiber laser has been developing rapidly, and gradually applied in many fields. Further improvement of output power is still the research hotspot of fiber laser. Beam combining is an important method to scale output power of fiber laser. Beam combining requires that the sub beam is a narrow linewidth fiber laser, so the research of narrow linewidth fiber laser is of great significance for power improvement. In this paper, the development and research status of narrow linewidth high power fiber lasers are introduced in detail, and based on the current research status, the future development trend is prospected.
Key words:
- narrow linewidth /
- fiber laser /
- stimulated Brillouin scattering /
- mode instability
表 1 线宽小于10 GHz光纤激光器的代表性研究成果(表中PM表示偏振保持)
Table 1. Representative research results of fiber laser with linewidth less than 10 GHz (PM refers to polarization maintained)
time organization power/kW linewidth/GHz M2 limited factors polarization reference 2014 Air Force Research Laboratory 1.17 3 1.2 SBS Non PM [26] 2015 National University of Defense Technology 0.56 5 1.3 MI PM [23] 2016 Air Force Research Laboratory 1 2.3 <1.2 SBS Non PM [27] 2019 Korea Advanced Optical Research Center 0.818 <7 near single mode SBS PM [28] 2020 Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics 1.27 2.2 <1.2 SBS Non PM [29] 表 2 10~100 GHz线宽光纤激光器的代表性研究成果(表中PM表示偏振保持)
Table 2. Representative research results of fiber laser with 10~100 GHz linewidth (PM refers to polarization maintained)
time organization power/kW linewidth/GHz M2 limited factors polarization reference 2016 China Academy of Engineering Physics 2.9 82 multi-mode MI Non PM [30] 2017 Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics 2.7 50 <1.2 pump power Non PM [40] 2018 China Academy of Engineering Physics 3.5 48 1.89 MI Non PM [41] 2017 National University of Defense Technology 2.43 68 near single mode pump power PM [38] 2019 Tsinghua University 2.19 23 1.46 pump power Non PM [31] 2019 China Academy of Engineering Physics 1.5 13 1.24 SBS PM [42] 2019 China Academy of Engineering Physics 2.62 32 <1.3 MI PM [43] -
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