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楚秋慧 郭超 颜冬林 舒强 史仪 温静 林宏奂 王建军

楚秋慧, 郭超, 颜冬林, 等. 高功率窄线宽光纤激光器的研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2020, 32: 121004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200144
引用本文: 楚秋慧, 郭超, 颜冬林, 等. 高功率窄线宽光纤激光器的研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2020, 32: 121004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200144
Chu Qiuhui, Guo Chao, Yan Donglin, et al. Recent progress of high power narrow linewidth fiber laser[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2020, 32: 121004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200144
Citation: Chu Qiuhui, Guo Chao, Yan Donglin, et al. Recent progress of high power narrow linewidth fiber laser[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2020, 32: 121004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200144


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200144
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFB1104401)


  • 中图分类号: O439

Recent progress of high power narrow linewidth fiber laser

  • 摘要: 近年来,光纤激光器得到了快速发展,且逐步应用于多个领域,功率的进一步提升仍然是光纤激光器的研究热点,光束合成是实现功率提升的重要手段,光束合成要求子光束为窄线宽光纤激光器,因此窄线宽光纤激光器的研究对光束合成功率的提升有重要意义。本文对窄线宽高功率光纤激光器的发展和研究现状进行了详细的介绍,并基于目前的研究现状分析了其发展的主要限制因素,并展望了未来的发展趋势。
  • 图  1  美国Fibertek公司450 MHz线宽kW级光纤激光器实验装置图

    Figure  1.  Experiment setup of 450 MHz linewidth kW level fiber laser by Fibertek Inc.

    图  2  耶拿大学基于低数值孔径光纤的窄线宽光纤放大器实验装置图

    Figure  2.  Experimental setup of narrow linewidth fiber amplifier with low numerical aperture fiber by Jena University

    图  3  美国MIT基于金属包层光纤的窄线宽光纤放大器实验装置图

    Figure  3.  Experimental setup of narrow linewidth fiber amplifier based on metal clad fiber by MIT

    图  4  国防科技大学560 W输出功率5 GHz线宽保偏光纤激光器实验装置图

    Figure  4.  Experimental setup of 560 W polarization maintaining fiber laser with 5 GHz linewidth in National University of Science and Technology

    图  5  中国电子科技集团第11研究所780 W输出功率2.9 GHz线宽光纤激光器实验装置图

    Figure  5.  Experimental setup of 780 W fiber laser with 2.9 GHz linewidth in No.11 Institute of CETC

    图  6  美国空军实验室基于PRBS相位调制的窄线宽光纤激光器实验装置图

    Figure  6.  Experimental setup of narrow linewidth fiber laser based on PRBS phase modulation in US Air Force Laboratory

    图  7  美国空军实验室双波长增益竞争与相位调制结合抑制SBS的实验装置图

    Figure  7.  Experimental setup of SBS suppression by combining dual wavelength gain competition and phase modulation in US Air Force Laboratory.

    图  8  韩国先进光学研究中心818 W输出功率<7 GHz线宽光纤激光器实验装置图

    Figure  8.  Experimental setup of 818 W fiber amplifier with<7 GHz linewidth in Korea Advanced Optical Research Center

    图  9  上海光机所1.27 kW输出功率2.2 GHz线宽光纤激光器实验装置图

    Figure  9.  Experimental setup of 1.27 kW fiber laser with 2.2 GHz linewidth in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics

    图  10  中国工程物理研究院2.9 kW输出功率0.31 nm线宽光纤激光器实验装置

    Figure  10.  Experimental setup of 2.9 kW fiber laser with 0.31 nm linewidth in China Academy of Engineering Physics

    图  11  清华大学2.19 kW输出功率86.5 pm线宽激光器实验装置图

    Figure  11.  Experimental setup of 2.19 kW fiber laser with 86.5 pm linewidth in Tsinghua University

    图  12  韩国2.09 kW输出功率0.24 nm线宽光纤激光器实验装置

    Figure  12.  Experimental setup of 2.09 kW fiber laser with 0.24 nm linewidth in South Korea

    图  13  中国工程物理研究院3 kW级窄线宽保偏光纤激光系统

    Figure  13.  3 kW level narrow linewidth polarization maintaining fiber laser system of China Academy of Engineering Physics

    图  14  美国IPG公司2 kW级窄线宽光纤激光系统

    Figure  14.  2 kW narrow linewidth fiber laser system of IPG company

    图  15  美国nLight公司基于CCC光纤的窄线宽光纤激光系统

    Figure  15.  Narrow linewidth fiber laser system based on CCC fiber of nLight company

    图  16  国防科技大学三级正弦相位调制保偏窄线宽激光系统

    Figure  16.  Three stage sinusoidal phase modulation narrow linewidth laser system of National University of Defense Science and Technology

    图  17  国防科技大学2.43 kW输出功率0.255 nm线宽保偏光纤激光实验系统图

    Figure  17.  Experimental setup of 2.43 kW polarization maintaining fiber laser with 0.255 nm linewidth of National Defense University of Science and Technology

    图  18  中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所2.7 kW输出功率50 GHz线宽光纤激光实验系统

    Figure  18.  Experimental setup of 2.7 kW fiber laser with 50 GHz linewidth in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics, CAS

    图  19  中国工程物理研究院3.5 kW输出功率0.18 nm线宽光纤激光器实验装置图

    Figure  19.  Experimental setup of 3.5 kW fiber laser with 0.18 nm linewidth in China Academy of Engineering Physics

    图  20  中国工程物理研究院1.5 kW输出功率13 GHz线宽光纤激光实验装置图

    Figure  20.  Experimental setup of 1.5 kW fiber laser with 13 GHz linewidth in China Academy of Engineering Physics

    图  21  耶拿大学窄线宽ASE源实验结构图

    Figure  21.  Experimental structure of narrow linewidth ASE source in Jena University

    图  22  美国空军实验室1030 nm窄线宽光纤激光器实验装置图

    Figure  22.  Experimental setup of 1030 nm narrow linewidth fiber laser in US Air Force Laboratory

    图  23  美国IPG公司>1.5 kW输出功率下不同波长激光输出光谱图

    Figure  23.  Spectrums of fiber laser with different wavelengths at output power of>1.5 kW in IPG company

    表  1  线宽小于10 GHz光纤激光器的代表性研究成果(表中PM表示偏振保持)

    Table  1.   Representative research results of fiber laser with linewidth less than 10 GHz (PM refers to polarization maintained)

    timeorganizationpower/kWlinewidth/GHzM2limited factorspolarizationreference
    2014Air Force Research Laboratory1.1731.2SBSNon PM[26]
    2015National University of Defense Technology0.5651.3MIPM[23]
    2016Air Force Research Laboratory1 2.3<1.2SBSNon PM[27]
    2019Korea Advanced Optical Research Center0.818<7near single modeSBSPM[28]
    2020Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics1.27 2.2<1.2SBSNon PM[29]
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    表  2  10~100 GHz线宽光纤激光器的代表性研究成果(表中PM表示偏振保持)

    Table  2.   Representative research results of fiber laser with 10~100 GHz linewidth (PM refers to polarization maintained)

    timeorganizationpower/kWlinewidth/GHzM2limited factorspolarizationreference
    2016China Academy of Engineering Physics2.982multi-modeMINon PM[30]
    2017Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics2.750<1.2pump powerNon PM[40]
    2018China Academy of Engineering Physics3.5481.89MINon PM[41]
    2017National University of Defense Technology2.4368near single modepump powerPM[38]
    2019Tsinghua University2.19231.46pump powerNon PM[31]
    2019China Academy of Engineering Physics1.5131.24SBSPM[42]
    2019China Academy of Engineering Physics2.6232<1.3MIPM[43]
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