Design of pulsed power supply using single switch resonant circuit
摘要: 谐振电路可以实现软开关,减小开关损耗,而广泛应用于电力电子领域。谐振电路工作在特定模式下可以产生脉冲形式电压,相较于其他脉冲发生器拓扑具有开关数量少、低开关损耗和低电磁干扰(EMI)的优点。谐振电路通常需要半桥或全桥转换器产生一个方波激励,本文提出了一种结合脉冲变压器和单开关谐振电路的脉冲电路,主电路只需使用一个半导体开关,便可通过谐振电路和脉冲变压器在副边得到高压脉冲,且可以实现零电流关断(ZCS)。对电路的工作过程进行了理论分析,并搭建了样机进行了带载实验。试验结果表明,在介质阻挡放电(DBD)负载上实现了频率为10~20 kHz、幅值为5~10 kV的正弦脉冲电压。该电路结构简单,成本低,安全可靠。Abstract: The resonant circuit can realize soft switching and reduce switching loss, and is widely used in the field of power electronics. The resonant circuit can generate pulse-shaped voltage in a specific mode. Compared with other pulse generator topologies, it has the advantages of fewer switches, lower switching loss and lower electromagnetic interference (EMI). The resonant circuit usually requires a half-bridge or full-bridge converter to generate a square wave excitation. This paper proposes a pulse circuit that combines a pulse transformer and a single-switch resonant circuit. The main circuit only needs to use a semiconductor switch to produce high voltage pulses via the resonant circuit and the pulse trausformer on the secondary side with zero current switching (ZCS). This paper theoretically analyzes the working process of the circuit, and sets up prototype to carry out the load experiment. The test results show that a sinusoidal pulse voltage with a frequency of 10−20 kHz and an amplitude of 5−10 kV is realized on a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) load. The pulse circuit has simple structure, stable operation and low cost.
表 1 不同频率下的
$ K $ 和${V}_{\rm{C}_{r},pk}$ 的理论值与实验值对比Table 1. Comparison of theoretical and experimental values of
$ K $ and${V}_{\rm{C}_{r},pk}$ at different frequencies${f_{\rm{s}}}$/kHz ${u_{ {C_{\rm{r}}},0} }/V$ a K ${V_{ {C_{\rm{r}}},{\rm{pk}}} }/V$ exp. theo. exp. theo difference 5 6.16 0.30 1.60 1.64 32.0 32.8 2.5% 10 −6.40 −0.32 2.13 2.20 42.6 44.0 3.2% 15 −14.4 −0.72 2.49 2.60 49.4 52.0 4.2% 20 −26.4 −1.32 2.99 3.08 60.0 61.6 2.6% -
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