Research progress of high power semiconductor laser pump source
摘要: 高功率半导体激光器是固体激光器和光纤激光器的主要泵浦源。激光泵浦源性能的大幅提升直接促进了固体激光器、光纤激光器等激光器的发展。主要介绍了8xx nm和9xx nm系列半导体激光泵浦源的最新研究进展,8xx nm单管输出功率已达18.8 W@95 µm,巴条输出功率已达1.8 kW(QCW),9xx nm单管输出功率已达35 W@100 µm,巴条输出功率已达1.98 kW(QCW)。谱宽<1 nm的窄谱宽半导体激光器输出功率可达14 W。展望了未来半导体激光器泵浦源的发展趋势。Abstract: High power semiconductor lasers are the main pump source for solid-state lasers and fiber lasers. The improvement in the performance of laser pump sources directly promotes the development of solid-state lasers, fiber lasers and other lasers. The article introduces the latest research progress of 8xx nm and 9xx nm semiconductor laser pump sources. The output power research level of 8xx nm single-emitter laser has reached 18.8 W@95 µm, the output power research level of 8xx nm laser bar has reached 1.8 kW(QCW), the output power research level of 9xx nm single-emitter laser has reached 35 W@100 µm, the output power research level of 9xx nm laser bar has reached 1.98 kW(QCW). The output power of a narrow linewidth semiconductor laser with a linewidth <1 nm can reach 14 W. The development trend of semiconductor laser pump source in the future is forecasted.
Key words:
- high power /
- semiconductor laser /
- fiber laser /
- bar /
- laser pump source
表 1 8xx nm半导体激光器单管输出功率
Table 1. Output power of 8xx nm single-emitter lasers
year wavelength/nm output power/W key parameters conversion efficiency/% research group reference 2014 88x 18.8 95 μm,3.8 mm 58 USA,nLight [9] 2015 808 10 190 μm,4 mm − Japan,Optoenergy [10] 2016 808 22 200 μm 54 JENOPTIK [11] 2016 808 9 140 μm,2 mm 63% Coherent [12] 2019 808 14 200 μm,4 mm 64 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [13] 2019 808 2.8 100 μm,2 mm − Wang Yue [14] 2020 880 19 200 μm,4 mm − Institute of Semiconductors of CAS − 表 2 8xx nm激光器巴条输出功率
Table 2. Output power of 8xx nm laser bar
year wavelength/nm output power key parameters fill factor/% research group reference 2012 88x QCW:560 W bar width:3 mm;
cavity length:3 mm80 USA,nLight [19] 2013 808 CW:150 W bar width:1 cm;
cavity length:1.5 mm50 USA,nLight [20] 2014 88x QCW:630 W bar width:3 mm;
cavity length:3 mm80 USA,nLight [9] 2016 808 QCW:200 W bar width:5 mm;
cavity length:1.5 mm− Russia [21] 2016 880 QCW:250 W bar width:0.5 cm 80 USA,nLight [22] 2017 80x QCW:210 W bar width:5 mm;
cavity length:1 mm72 M.A. Ladugin [23] 2017 880 1.8 kW(200 μs,14 Hz) bar width:1 cm;
cavity length:3 mm80 USA,nLight [24] 2017 808 QCW:613 W cavity length:2 mm 85 Xi’an Institute of Optics and
Precision Mechanics of CAS[25] 2018 808 QCW:500 W cavity length:1.5 mm 80 OSRAM [26] 2020 8xx CW:200 W cm-bar − Institute of Semiconductors of CAS − 表 3 9xx nm半导体激光器单管输出功率
Table 3. Output power of 9xx nm single-emitter semiconductor lasers
year wavelength/nm output power/W key parameters conversion efficiency/% research group reference 2009 980 20 96 μm,4 mm − Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [32] 2013 975 15 100 μm,4 mm 74 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [33] 2013 915 13.5 85 μm,4 mm − S.McDougall [34] 2015 9xx 29.5 100 μm,5.7 mm − USA,JDSU [35] 2015 915 18 150 μm,5 mm 58 USA,nLight [36] 2015 915 24 100 μm,4 mm 60 Japan,Optoenergy [37] 2016 915 12.4 95 μm,4.8 mm 60 Research Institute of Tsinghua
University in Shenzhen[38] 2017 915 33 220 μm,4 mm 60 Japan,Fujikura [39] 2018 940 14 100 μm,4 mm 63 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [40] 2019 975 20 200 μm,4 mm 66.7 Japan,Fujikura [41] 2019 9xx 14.4 200 μm,2 mm 71.8 Institute of Semiconductors of CAS [42] 2020 975 21 100 μm,4 mm − Institute of Semiconductors of CAS [43] 表 4 9xx nm激光器巴条输出功率
Table 4. Output power of 9xx nm laser bar
year wavelength/nm output power key parameters fill factor/(%) research group reference 2013 9xx QCW:1.7 kW bar width:1 cm;
cavity length:6 mm72 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [45] 2014 940 CW:200 W cavity length:4 mm 50 Jenoptik [46] 2015 940 QCW:1.98 kW bar width:1 cm;
cavity length:4 mm69 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [47] 2015 9xx >300 W − 60 USA,Trumpf Photonics [48] 2016 940 QCW:1 kW bar width:1 cm;
cavity length:4 mm69 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [49] 2017 940 QCW:600 W bar width:1 cm;
cavity length:4 mm70 M. M. Karow [50] 2018 938 CW:476 W − 60 USA,Trumpf Photonics [51] 2019 9xx 450 W bar width:1 cm;
cavity length:4.2 mm73 II-VI Laser Enterprise [52] 2019 9xx 1 kW(0.2 ms,10 Hz) − 87 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [53] 2019 960 665.6 W(500 μs) bar width:1 cm;
cavity length:2 mm63.8 Xi’an Institute of Optics and
Precision Mechanics of CAS[54] 2020 9xx CW:300 W,
QCW:996 Wcm-bar 70 Institute of Semiconductors of CAS 表 5 9xx nm高功率窄谱宽半导体激光器研究进展
Table 5. Research progress of 9xx nm high-power narrow-linewidth semiconductor laser
year wavelength/nm output power/W device type spectral linewidth/nm research group reference 2010 975 10 DFB,second order grating <1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [57] 2010 980 14 DBR,sixth order grating <1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [58] 2012 976 11 DFB,eightieth-order grating <1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [59] 2014 970 6 DFB,eightieth-order grating <0.7 Jonathan Decker [60] 2017 975 5.5 DFB,second order grating <1 Mostallino [61] 2019 980 10.7 DBR,sixth order grating 2.77 Qiao Chuang [62] -
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