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马骁宇 张娜玲 仲莉 刘素平 井红旗

马骁宇, 张娜玲, 仲莉, 等. 高功率半导体激光泵浦源研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2020, 32: 121010. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200236
引用本文: 马骁宇, 张娜玲, 仲莉, 等. 高功率半导体激光泵浦源研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2020, 32: 121010. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200236
Ma Xiaoyu, Zhang Naling, Zhong Li, et al. Research progress of high power semiconductor laser pump source[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2020, 32: 121010. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200236
Citation: Ma Xiaoyu, Zhang Naling, Zhong Li, et al. Research progress of high power semiconductor laser pump source[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2020, 32: 121010. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200236


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202032.200236
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFB1107300)




    仲 莉(1980—),女,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事大功率半导体激光器、特种泵浦光源及固体激光器研究等;zhongli@semi.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN24

Research progress of high power semiconductor laser pump source

  • 摘要: 高功率半导体激光器是固体激光器和光纤激光器的主要泵浦源。激光泵浦源性能的大幅提升直接促进了固体激光器、光纤激光器等激光器的发展。主要介绍了8xx nm和9xx nm系列半导体激光泵浦源的最新研究进展,8xx nm单管输出功率已达18.8 W@95 µm,巴条输出功率已达1.8 kW(QCW),9xx nm单管输出功率已达35 W@100 µm,巴条输出功率已达1.98 kW(QCW)。谱宽<1 nm的窄谱宽半导体激光器输出功率可达14 W。展望了未来半导体激光器泵浦源的发展趋势。
  • 图  1  半导体激光器单元器件(图片来源于网络)

    Figure  1.  Semiconductor laser unit device (the picture comes from the internet)

    图  2  叠层激光器示意图(图片来源于网络)

    Figure  2.  Schematic of semiconductor laser stack (The picture comes from the internet)

    图  3  德国Jenoptik报道的808 nm单管激光器输出特性

    Figure  3.  Output characteristics of the 808 single-emitter diode lasers reported by Jenoptik

    图  4  中国科学院半导体研究所研制的880 nm 200 µm条宽单管芯半导体激光器综合参数测试图

    Figure  4.  Comprehensive parameter test chart of 880 nm 200 μm wide single-emitter semiconductor laser reported by Institute of Semiconductors,CAS

    图  5  美国nLight报道的88x nm单管激光器输出特性

    Figure  5.  Output characteristics of the 88x nm single-emitter diode lasers reported by nLight in USA

    图  6  美国nLight报道的808 nm 巴条激光器输出特性,其中HT代表高温,HE代表高效率

    Figure  6.  Output characteristics of the 808 nm laser bar reported by nLight in USA (HT represents high temperature, HE represents high efficiency)

    图  7  中科院半导体研究所研制的8xx nm连续半导体激光器特性参数测试图

    Figure  7.  Comprehensive parameter tests chart of 8xx nm (CW) semiconductor laser reported by Institute of Semiconductors,CAS

    图  8  美国JDSU报道的9xx nm单管激光器输出特性

    Figure  8.  Output characteristics of the 9xx nm single-emitter diode lasers reported by JDSU in USA

    图  9  FBH报道的940 nm 巴条激光器输出特性

    Figure  9.  Output characteristics of the 940 nm laser bar reported by Ferdinand-Braun-Institut

    图  10  Trumpf photonics报道的938 nm 巴条激光器输出特性

    Figure  10.  Output characteristics of the 938 nm laser bar reported by Trumpf photonics

    图  11  中科院半导体研究所研制的940 nm准连续巴条特性参数测试结果

    Figure  11.  Comprehensive parameter test results of 940 nm quasi-continuous laser bar reported by Institute of Semiconductors,CAS

    图  12  DBR和DFB激光器结构示意图

    Figure  12.  Schematic diagram of DBR and DFB laser structure

    表  1  8xx nm半导体激光器单管输出功率

    Table  1.   Output power of 8xx nm single-emitter lasers

    yearwavelength/nmoutput power/Wkey parametersconversion efficiency/%research groupreference
    2014 88x 18.8 95 μm,3.8 mm 58 USA,nLight [9]
    2015 808 10 190 μm,4 mm Japan,Optoenergy [10]
    2016 808 22 200 μm 54 JENOPTIK [11]
    2016 808 9 140 μm,2 mm 63% Coherent [12]
    2019 808 14 200 μm,4 mm 64 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [13]
    2019 808 2.8 100 μm,2 mm Wang Yue [14]
    2020 880 19 200 μm,4 mm Institute of Semiconductors of CAS
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    表  2  8xx nm激光器巴条输出功率

    Table  2.   Output power of 8xx nm laser bar

    yearwavelength/nmoutput powerkey parametersfill factor/%research groupreference
    2012 88x QCW:560 W bar width:3 mm;
    cavity length:3 mm
    80 USA,nLight [19]
    2013 808 CW:150 W bar width:1 cm;
    cavity length:1.5 mm
    50 USA,nLight [20]
    2014 88x QCW:630 W bar width:3 mm;
    cavity length:3 mm
    80 USA,nLight [9]
    2016 808 QCW:200 W bar width:5 mm;
    cavity length:1.5 mm
    Russia [21]
    2016 880 QCW:250 W bar width:0.5 cm 80 USA,nLight [22]
    2017 80x QCW:210 W bar width:5 mm;
    cavity length:1 mm
    72 M.A. Ladugin [23]
    2017 880 1.8 kW(200 μs,14 Hz) bar width:1 cm;
    cavity length:3 mm
    80 USA,nLight [24]
    2017 808 QCW:613 W cavity length:2 mm 85 Xi’an Institute of Optics and
    Precision Mechanics of CAS
    2018 808 QCW:500 W cavity length:1.5 mm 80 OSRAM [26]
    2020 8xx CW:200 W cm-bar Institute of Semiconductors of CAS
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    表  3  9xx nm半导体激光器单管输出功率

    Table  3.   Output power of 9xx nm single-emitter semiconductor lasers

    yearwavelength/nmoutput power/Wkey parametersconversion efficiency/%research groupreference
    2009 980 20 96 μm,4 mm Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [32]
    2013 975 15 100 μm,4 mm 74 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [33]
    2013 915 13.5 85 μm,4 mm S.McDougall [34]
    2015 9xx 29.5 100 μm,5.7 mm USA,JDSU [35]
    2015 915 18 150 μm,5 mm 58 USA,nLight [36]
    2015 915 24 100 μm,4 mm 60 Japan,Optoenergy [37]
    2016 915 12.4 95 μm,4.8 mm 60 Research Institute of Tsinghua
    University in Shenzhen
    2017 915 33 220 μm,4 mm 60 Japan,Fujikura [39]
    2018 940 14 100 μm,4 mm 63 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [40]
    2019 975 20 200 μm,4 mm 66.7 Japan,Fujikura [41]
    2019 9xx 14.4 200 μm,2 mm 71.8 Institute of Semiconductors of CAS [42]
    2020 975 21 100 μm,4 mm Institute of Semiconductors of CAS [43]
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    表  4  9xx nm激光器巴条输出功率

    Table  4.   Output power of 9xx nm laser bar

    yearwavelength/nmoutput powerkey parametersfill factor/(%)research groupreference
    20139xxQCW:1.7 kWbar width:1 cm;
    cavity length:6 mm
    2014940CW:200 Wcavity length:4 mm50Jenoptik[46]
    2015940QCW:1.98 kWbar width:1 cm;
    cavity length:4 mm
    20159xx>300 W60USA,Trumpf Photonics[48]
    2016940QCW:1 kWbar width:1 cm;
    cavity length:4 mm
    2017940QCW:600 Wbar width:1 cm;
    cavity length:4 mm
    70M. M. Karow[50]
    2018938CW:476 W60USA,Trumpf Photonics[51]
    20199xx450 Wbar width:1 cm;
    cavity length:4.2 mm
    73II-VI Laser Enterprise[52]
    20199xx1 kW(0.2 ms,10 Hz)87Ferdinand-Braun-Institut[53]
    2019960665.6 W(500 μs)bar width:1 cm;
    cavity length:2 mm
    63.8Xi’an Institute of Optics and
    Precision Mechanics of CAS
    20209xxCW:300 W,
    QCW:996 W
    cm-bar70Institute of Semiconductors of CAS
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    表  5  9xx nm高功率窄谱宽半导体激光器研究进展

    Table  5.   Research progress of 9xx nm high-power narrow-linewidth semiconductor laser

    yearwavelength/nmoutput power/Wdevice typespectral linewidth/nmresearch groupreference
    2010 975 10 DFB,second order grating <1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [57]
    2010 980 14 DBR,sixth order grating <1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [58]
    2012 976 11 DFB,eightieth-order grating <1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut [59]
    2014 970 6 DFB,eightieth-order grating <0.7 Jonathan Decker [60]
    2017 975 5.5 DFB,second order grating <1 Mostallino [61]
    2019 980 10.7 DBR,sixth order grating 2.77 Qiao Chuang [62]
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