Fractional-turn ratio solid-state modulator for 50 MW klystron
摘要: 研制了一套S波段50 MW速调管用分数比脉冲调制器,具有脉冲变压器变比1∶300、初级电源电压1.25 kV、输出峰值功率113 MW等特点。分数比脉冲调制器属于加法器式固态调制器的类型,其原理为分开铁心使其磁场感应叠加,再高变比脉冲变压器升压。利用1∶60的高变比升压脉冲变压器技术,实现了初级单元电路为较低工作电压、各组件模块化、放电单元接地等优点,同时实现了脉冲变压器初级低漏感值、次级绕组低分布电容值、放电单元及传输回路低电感值。工程样机测试结果为输出脉冲电压大于312 kV、脉冲电流大于360 A、脉冲前后沿小于1.4 μs的高功率全固态脉冲调制器,为国内工业辐照加速器、自由电子激光加速器等需要高稳定射频功率源的应用提供一种解决方案。分数比脉冲调制器具有输出脉冲宽度可较大范围调节,可以适应负载阻抗的较大范围变化,无线性调制器中使用的氢闸流管的寿命限制,较低工作电压的高运行可靠性等优点。Abstract: This paper introduces The fractional ratio pulse modulator for S-band 50 MW klystron, which has the characteristics of pulse transformer ratio of 1∶300, primary voltage of 1.25 kV and output peak power of 113 MW. The selection of five sub cores, the design of transformation ratio, the calculation of primary voltage and current, and the calculation of average output power are carried out. It is analyzed that the total inductance of single discharge circuit which affects the output front of solid-state modulator should be less than 0.4 μH. The loop inductance is distributed in the discharge module, the discharge cable, the internal wiring of the pulse transformer and the primary leakage inductance. The low inductance design of the internal loop of the discharge module, the low leakage inductance design of the pulse transformer and the modeling and simulation results are mainly analyzed. The results show that the high-power all solid-state pulse modulator with 312 kV output pulse voltage, 360 A pulse current and less than 1.4 μs front and back edges can be realized. It has promising applications in the fields of accelerator driving RF power source, high-power radar transmitter and so on, which need high-voltage pulse modulator.
表 1 速调管参数表
Table 1. Klystron parameters
type beam voltage/kV beam current/A frequency/GHz peak power/MW average power/kW gain/dB efficiency/% duty/% E3730A 312 360 2.856 51 10.5 51 45 0.020 VKX-8311A 410 310 11.994 50 5 48 40 0.009 表 2 脉冲调制器设计参数
Table 2. Design parameters of pulse modulator
rate/Hzflat top pulse
duration/μscharge power
regulation/%rise time
(10%~90%)/μsfall time
(90%~10%)/μs≥312 ≥360 50 4 ≤1.25 1(p-p) 0.1(p-p) ≤1.5 ≤1.5 表 3 放电回路电感分配表
Table 3. Inductance distribution table of discharge circuit
item inductance/μH discharge unit <0.05 discharge cable <0.05 pulse transformer connection <0.1 pulse transformer leakage inductance
(after three coils in parallel)<0.2 表 4 工程样机测试数据
Table 4. Test data of engineering prototype
parameter pulse
rate/Hzflat top pulse
duration/μsrise time
(10%~90%)/μsfall time
(90%~10%)/μspulse top
fluctuation/%pulse top
down/%charge power
voltage/kVdischarge pulse
current/A0.80 kΩ
resistance load313 394 50 4.0 1.46 1.39 0.16 2.67 1150 2070 1.23 kΩ
resistance load315 257 10 2.5 0.95 1.01 − 1.8 1100 1380 0.77 kΩ
water load301 393 50 4.3 1.38 1.27 0.48 2.6 1080 2130 表 5 测试数据对比
Table 5. Test data comparison
rate/Hzflat top pulse
duration/μsrise time
(10%~90%)/μsfall time
(90%~10%)/μscharge power
voltage/kVprinciple 11 325 400 0.81 130 10 2 1.0 1.8 50.0 PFN 12 450 600 0.75 270 50 2.5 1.1 1.7 26.5 PFN 13 450 400 1.13 180 100 2~10 0.5 - 4.5 solid state 14 350 414 0.85 145 120 3.5 1.5 1.0 3.0 solid state 15 80 2000 0.04 160 50 2 0.6 2.0 2.0 solid state this article 301 393 0.77 118 50 4.3 1.38 1.27 1.25 solid state -
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