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芮立晨 庞子宁 李煊赫 沈剑 李青 林良良

芮立晨, 庞子宁, 李煊赫, 等. 液相等离子体及其在纳米材料制备中的应用[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 069001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210404
引用本文: 芮立晨, 庞子宁, 李煊赫, 等. 液相等离子体及其在纳米材料制备中的应用[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 069001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210404
Rui Lichen, Pang Zining, Li Xuanhe, et al. Liquid plasmas and their applications in nanomaterial synthesis[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 069001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210404
Citation: Rui Lichen, Pang Zining, Li Xuanhe, et al. Liquid plasmas and their applications in nanomaterial synthesis[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 069001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210404


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210404
基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK20190605);国家自然科学基金项目(52004102,22078125);中国博士后科学基金项目(2021M690068);江苏省博士后科学基金项目(2021K512C);中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目(JUSRP221018)




  • 中图分类号: O646.9; O539; TB34

Liquid plasmas and their applications in nanomaterial synthesis

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  非接触式液相等离子体中可能存在的传质、反应和活性物组分示意图[10]

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of mass transfer, reaction and active components that may exist in non-contact liquid plasma[10]

    图  2  液相等离子体制备贵金属机理示意图

    Figure  2.  Mechanism schematic diagram of liquid phase plasma system preparation of metal

    图  3  非浸没式液相等离子体设备[61]

    Figure  3.  Non-immersion liquid phase plasma[61]

    图  4  非浸没式电极结构示意图[62-63]

    Figure  4.  Schematic of non-immersion electrode structure[62-63]

    图  5  浸没式液相等离子体设备[66-71]

    Figure  5.  Diagram of submerged liquid plasma equipment[66-71]

    图  6  浸没式等离子体电极结构图[72-73]

    Figure  6.  Structure diagram of immersed plasma electrode[72-73]

    图  7  液相等离子体制备纳米材料典例

    Figure  7.  Typical examples of preparation of nanomaterials by liquid plasma

    表  1  液相等离子体中常见自由基的检测方法及相关反应

    Table  1.   Detection methods and related reactions of common free radicals in liquid plasma

    speciesdetection methodadvantages and disadvantagescorrelation reactionreferences
    hydrogen peroxide
    (1) titanium sulfate reagent colorimetry
    (2) colorimetric or fluorometric analysis
    (1) less interference, good stability, but limited sensitivity(2) many interference factors (such as air, pH, solvent, etc.), but high sensitivity, lower detection limit~10×10−6 OH + H2O·→ H2O2+ H2O2+2H++2e→H2O2H2O2+H++e→H2O+OH [17][18][19]
    atom (H)
    (1) EPR technology
    (2) isotope labeling
    (1) high sensitivity, low detection limit, easy decomposition of the product, requiring excess capture agent(2) the source, distribution and chemical reaction of H atoms can be explored, but it is usually used in conjunction with the EPR method H++e→H [20][21][22]
    hydroxyl radicals
    (1) EPR technology(2) HPLC method
    (3) spectrophotometry
    (1) high sensitivity and low detection limit, the most ideal method for the determination of hydroxyl radicals, the instrument is expensive, the choice of capture agent is critical(2) easy to implement, but its sensitivity and accuracy are still insufficient(3) easy to operate, has high selectivity, and is not easily affected by other ions at specific wavelengths; insufficient accuracy and sensitivity, requires the capture agent or the adduct product with the hydroxyl to have characteristic fluorescence H2O→H+OH·
    superoxide anion
    (1) EPR technology
    (2) fluorescent probe method
    (1) high sensitivity, low detection limit, expensive instrument(2) easy to operate, lower instrument price, but the sensitivity is low, and it is interfered by particles like H2O2, OH· 2O+H2O+e→H2O+O2 [27][28][29]
    (1) spectrophotometry
    (2) fluorescent probe method
    (1) the operation is simple and fast, but the sensitivity is low, and it will be interfered by other oxidants(2) good selectivity, but it needs to be in a specific pH range; when pH ≥ 10, the probe will be destroyed in H2O2 O3+2H++2e→O2+H2O [30][31][32]
    nitric oxide
    (1) EPR technology(2) spectrophotometry
    (3) fluorescent probe method
    (1) high sensitivity, low detection limit, wide application, but need to avoid oxidation of Fe2+ particles in the reagent(2) easy to operate, instrument is relatively cheap, and the aqueous solution to be tested needs to be acidified in advance before the test(3) has good selectivity, but the pH of the aqueous solution to be tested needs to be higher than 5.5 4NO+2O2+2H2O→
    nitrite (NO2−)
    (1) spectrophotometry
    (2) HPLC method
    (1) the operation is simple and fast, but the sensitivity is low, and it will be interfered by other oxidants(2) easy to implement, but its sensitivity and accuracy are still insufficient 2HNO2→NO+NO2+H2ONO2−+H+→HNO2 [37]
    (1) spectrophotometry
    (2) HPLC method
    (1) the operation is simple and fast, but the sensitivity is low, and it will be interfered by other oxidants(2) easy to implement, but its sensitivity and accuracy are still insufficient NO2−+ OH·→NO3− [39][40][41]
    (1) colorimetric or fluorometric analysis(2) chemical reaction(3) fluorescent probe method (1) multiple interference factors, extremely sensitive to light-induced oxidation, and specificity problems(2) the existence of ONOO can only be indirectly proved by the concentration decay of NO2 and H2O2, and the accuracy is insufficient (3) low selectivity, interfered by particles like H2O2 and HClO, in the absence ofHClO, the selectivity is enhanced NO2−+H2O2→ONOO+H2OONOO→NO3− [42][43][44]
    acid (O2NOOH)
    (1) HPLC method (1) easy to detect, but the sensitivity is low, the detection environment requires low temperature and low pH value NO3−+H2O2
    singlet oxygen
    (1) EPR technology
    (2) fluorescent probe method
    (1) good selectivity, high sensitivity, not affected by other free radicals, the detection reagent has a strong pungent odor and is easily oxidized in the air(2) the probe acts as a photosensitizer to generate singlet oxygen, and the probe is destroyed in hydrogen peroxide O2+e1O2+e21O2+2H+→H2O2+O21O2+H2O2→OH·+OH+O2 [46][47][48][49]
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    表  2  基于液相等离子体技术合成纳米材料

    Table  2.   Synthesis of nanomaterials based on liquid phase plasma technology

    nanomaterialsexamplesliquid plasma typereferences
    precious metal element Au contact glow discharge [56]
    microplasma discharge [63, 94]
    two-electrode pulsed plasma [76-81]
    Ag arc discharge [55, 84]
    Pd gas-liquid interface plasma [82]
    Pt flat electrode plasma [62]
    microplasma discharge [83]
    precious metal alloy Au - Ag alloy two-electrode plasma [54]
    microplasma discharge [60]
    Au - Pt alloy two-electrode pulsed plasma [85]
    metal element Ni solution glow discharge [57]
    Cu submerged arc discharge [86]
    Fe high voltage cathodic polarized discharge [58]
    Mn solution discharge [72]
    Sn dielectric barrier discharge [75]
    metal alloy Fe – Ni alloy solution discharge [59]
    Ni – Cu alloy dielectric barrier discharge [74]
    oxide CuO/ZnO two-electrode pulsed plasma [87]
    ZnO contact glow discharge [88]
    Cu2O microplasma discharge [95]
    TiO2 gliding arc discharge [52]
    defective TiO2 submerged pulse discharge [89]
    carbon material carbon nanotubes alternating current arc discharge [78]
    graphene submerged arc discharge [90-91]
    submerged arc discharge [79]
    silicon material Si dielectric barrier discharge [73]
    composite material carbon – metal nano contact glow discharge [92]
    carbon – non-metal nano solution discharge [93]
    plasma induced cathode discharge [96]
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