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王燕 张钦 林福昌 李化

王燕, 张钦, 林福昌, 等. 高功率高储能脉冲电源中重频电感的设计与分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 055002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210417
引用本文: 王燕, 张钦, 林福昌, 等. 高功率高储能脉冲电源中重频电感的设计与分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 055002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210417
Wang Yan, Zhang Qin, Lin Fuchang, et al. Design and analysis of repetitive frequency inductor in high power and high energy storage pulse power supply[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 055002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210417
Citation: Wang Yan, Zhang Qin, Lin Fuchang, et al. Design and analysis of repetitive frequency inductor in high power and high energy storage pulse power supply[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 055002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210417


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.210417

    王 燕,yan7037@mail.hust.edu.cn


    张 钦,zhangqin@mail.hust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TM83

Design and analysis of repetitive frequency inductor in high power and high energy storage pulse power supply

  • 摘要: 针对高功率脉冲电源集成系统连续放电的需求,研制了一种用于该系统的重频水冷电感。水冷电感在系统中既调节电源的电流波形,又能起到隔离作用。该重频水冷电感耐压高、通流大、充电间隔周期6 s,可连续工作10 次放电。针对连续放电的需求,通过去离子循环水对重频电感进行降温。现以单模块能量334 kJ、电感量30 µH、通流 100 kA为例进行设计分析,建立重频水冷电感温度场仿真模型,通过ANSYS仿真软件对该电感内部温度瞬态特性进行分析。结果表明:水冷电感通过去离子水冷却效果好,电感每次工作后温度最高达到47 ℃,在下一个工作点到来之前电感温度又恢复到41 ℃;同时该电感在没有加循环水的情况下通过了112 kA的电动力考核。试验结果与理论分析吻合较好,重频水冷电感运行稳定,从而验证了理论分析和设计的正确性。
  • 图  1  单电源模块结构图

    Figure  1.  Single module structure diagram

    图  2  重频水冷电感外形图

    Figure  2.  Contour diagram of the repeatitive frequency water-cooled inductor

    图  3  重频水冷电感三维图

    Figure  3.  3D diagram of the repeatitive frequency water- cooled inductor

    图  4  重频水冷电感线圈

    Figure  4.  Diagram of repeatitive frequency water-cooled inductor coil

    图  5  1/4 匝导线模型

    Figure  5.  1/4 turn traverse model

    图  6  重频水冷电感温度分布云图

    Figure  6.  Cloud map of temperature distribution of the repeatitive frequency water-cooled inductor

    图  7  电感线圈内部导体上的应力

    Figure  7.  Stress on conductor inside inductor coil

    图  8  电感线圈导体表面电磁密度

    Figure  8.  Surface electromagnetic density of inductor coil conductor

    图  9  重频水冷电感通流试验原理图

    Figure  9.  Schematic diagram of repeatitive frequency water-cooled inductor test circuit

    图  10  重频水冷电感通流试验接线图

    Figure  10.  Wiring diagram of repeatitive frequency water cooled inductor flow test

    图  11  重频水冷电感通过了112 kA电流峰值的波形图

    Figure  11.  Waveform of repeatitive frequency water-cooled inductor passing a peak current of 112 kA

    表  1  导线线径与温升的关系

    Table  1.   Relationship between wire diameter and temperature rise

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    表  2  趋肤深度与铜管水温、频率的关系

    Table  2.   Relationship between skin depth and temperature and frequency

    numberfrequency/Hztemperature/℃temperature of coefficient/Kskin depth/mm
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    表  3  电感流量特性实验数据表

    Table  3.   Experimental data of inductance flow characteristics

    flow rate/(L/min) pressure loss/MPa
    5 0.257
    5.5 0.309
    6 0.364
    6.5 0.413
    7 0.512
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