Actinide nuclear targets preparation and applications
Abstract:There is an increasing demand on precise, accurate and reliable experimental nuclear data in various scientific research fields like basic nuclear physics, nuclear energy, super-heavy element research and others. Actinide targets are composed of a thin-layer, pure actinide compound deposited on a certain metal foil. Acting as the stationary nuclei sources in nuclear reactions, high-quality actinide targets are essential for the uncertainty of the measured nuclear data and ensure the success of the relative experiments. In this review, the preparation methods of actinide nuclear targets, the development of organizations of nuclear targets, and the outlook are discussed.
图 1 分子镀装置示意图(a)及分子镀锕系核靶光学照片(b)[20]
Figure 1. (a) Sketch of the electroplating device and (b) the optical image of the actinide target electroplated with optimized parameters
表 1 不同核靶制备方法特点
Table 1. Characteristics of different nuclear target preparation methods
method mass thickness efficiency/% advantages disadvantages electro-spraying mg/cm2 80~90 high efficiency; homogeneity
(2%~5%); simple equipmentimpurities from solvent;
thickness limitationelectro-deposition μg/cm2~mg/cm2 90~100 high efficiency; fast and simple;
no cross contaminationimpurities from solvent; deposits composition is unknown vacuum evaporation μg/cm2~mg/cm2 5~10 the coating is smooth; the thickness homogeneity is high low efficiency; time-consuming preparation of the material for evaporation; substrate is easily deformed by heat magnetron sputtering μg/cm2~mg/cm2 20~40 the coating is smooth, strong
adhesion of coatingbig amount of the evaporated
materials are requiredpolymer assisted deposition μg/cm2 80~90 simple, the coating is smooth thickness limitation 表 2 真空蒸镀方法适用的底衬种类
Table 2. Type of substrates suitable for vacuum evaporation
types of backing material metal Al, Cu, Au, Ni, Ta, et al polymer formvar ([C5H8O2]n),
mylar (PET polyethylene terephthalate ([C10H8O4]n),
nylon (polyaMide [NH–(CH2)5–CO]n), VYNS (vinylit resin ([C6H9O2Cl]n), et al.others Si, Al2O3, SiC, et al -
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