High power repetitive rate pulse generator HEART-50
摘要: 通过理论计算、数值仿真和实验验证的方法,研究了一台峰值功率数十GW、重复频率5 Hz的重复频率高功率脉冲驱动源,命名为“HEART-50”。该脉冲驱动源由充电电源、初级开关、脉冲形成线、主开关、阻抗变换线,以及假负载构成。首先介绍了HEART-50重复频率高功率脉冲驱动源整体设计思路;其次,对基于混合液体介质的高功率脉冲形成线和气体介质主开关进行了数值分析,并对其全电路工作能力进行了仿真分析;最后,对研制的HEART-50重复频率高功率脉冲驱动源进行了实验验证。结果表明,脉冲驱动源能够输出峰值电压520 kV,脉冲宽度约90 ns,脉冲上升沿小于25 ns,重复频率5 Hz的准方波电脉冲,峰值电功率约为25.3 GW,且具有较好的运行稳定性。Abstract: A high power pulse generator with peak power over tens of GW and repetitive rate of 5 Hz, named HEART-50, is studied theoretically, numerically, and experimentally. The generator is composed of charging source, primary compress switch, pulse forming line, main switch, impedance transmission line, and dummy load. Design considerations of the generator are discussed. Then key parameters which influence performance of the mixed-liquid-dielectrics based pulse forming line is numerically investigated. PSpice software is used to study the whole circuit of the generator. The HEART-50 has been built and experimentally studied in our laboratory. Quasi-square pulses with peak voltage over 520 kV, pulse duration approximately 90 ns, rise-time of 25 ns, and repetitive rate of 5 Hz, are achieved on the dummy load with good uniformity.
Key words:
- pulsed power technology /
- high power /
- repetitive rate /
- HEART-50
表 1 HEART-50核心电参数
Table 1. Summary of key parameters of HEART-50
peak voltage/ kV repetitive rate/Hz impedance/Ω pulse duration/ns energy per pulse/kJ average power/kW ~390 5 3.3 90 4.5 22.5 -
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