Compact small-sized pulsed power sources ARC-01/02 and their applications
摘要: 脉冲功率技术的重要发展方向是高功率密度、紧凑小型化和高稳定可靠。液体介质由于具有绝缘强度高、易流动、快恢复、散热性好等方面的特点,广泛应用于脉冲形成线型紧凑小型脉冲功率源的电容储能器件作为储能介质。主要围绕紧凑小型脉冲功率源ARC系列的技术难题,开展了关键技术、系统研发及其工程应用等方面的工作。首先,提出了基于液体介质和慢波结构的形成线,采用场均匀和绝缘配合技术,研制出紧凑小型脉冲功率源ARC-01和ARC-02,输出功率1~2 GW、脉冲宽度5~30 ns、重复频率1~100 Hz,紧凑化水平较国际先进同类装置最多提高了2倍。之后,以凑小型脉冲功率源为核心搭建液体介质击穿测试平台,针对变压器油、蓖麻油、甘油、碳酸丙烯酯等常见液体介质,开展了微秒脉冲击穿特性研究,采用统计分析方法建立了数据库,以“小成本”换取“高可靠性”;并采用超高速光学诊断方法,将击穿瞬间流注、冲击波、亚微观断裂面产生、传播、截止过程与张力理论结合,建立了液体介质击穿物理模型。最后,成功将紧凑小型脉冲功率源应用于驱动宽带/窄带微波产生、碳纤维阴极稳定性及寿命测试。Abstract: Development trends of pulsed power technology is high power density, compactness and high reliabilities. Liquid dielectric, because of its high insulation, easy flow, fast recovery and good heat dispersion, is widely used in the pulse power source based on liquid pulse forming line as energy storage medium. Research focuses are put on the key techniques of the ARC series of pulse power sources. Studies are carried out on pulsed breakdown characteristics, system development and its application. Firstly, a pulse formation line is proposed based on high-energy-density-storage liquid dielectric and slow wave structure. By using the method of electromagnetic field uniformity and insulation technology to solve the high-voltage insulation problems, the compact pulse power sources ARC-01/02 are developed. They can output 1−2 GW power, 5−30 ns duration, 1−100 Hz rep-rate, and their maximum compact level is increased by 2 times that of the international advanced similar devices. Through the research on the pulsed insulation characteristics of liquid dielectric in the microsecond regime, the database is established by statistical analysis method. And then, by using the ultrafast camera optical diagnosis method, based on the images of generation, propagation, cut-off for shock wave, sub-microscopic fracture surface, a liquid dielectric breakdown model is established, combined with amorphous energy band and Griffith tension theory. Finally, the pulsed power source is applied to drive wide band/narrow band microwave source and test the stability and life of carbon fiber cathode.
Key words:
- pulsed power source /
- pulse power technology /
- compactness /
- small-sized /
- liquid dielectric
表 1 紧凑脉冲功率源ARC-01/02的输出参数
Table 1. Output parameters of compact pulse power source ARC-01/02
No. pulse power source medium power/GW pulse width/ns impedance/Ω repetition frequency/Hz 1 ARC-01 transformer oil 1 5 30 100 2 ARC-01 castor oil 1~2 10 20 100 3 ARC-02 glycerinum 1 30 10 100 表 2 常见液体介质储能特性参数
Table 2. Characteristic parameters of the liquid dielectrics
liquid dielectric permittivity breakdown strength/(kV·cm−1) energy density/(kJ·m−3) transformer oil 2.25 500 25 deionized water 80 600 1274 glycol 37 1200 2358 propylene carbonate 65 600 1035 -
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