Design of automatic gain correction system for silicon photomultiplier tube
摘要: 温度会使硅光电倍增管的增益产生较大的漂移,进而影响硅光电倍增管的增益精度。为了使硅光电倍增管增益不随温度发生较大变化,设计了硅光电倍增管的自动增益校正系统,包括基于单片机的高压电源设计与采集系统设计。高电压模块精确工作的温度范围为−10~60 ℃,电源噪声约为30 mV,满足硅光电倍增管性能测试的需求。采集系统经过扫频测试与激光照射测试,可以较好地通过60 MHz的交流信号,并将光信号转变为较明显的电信号。该系统可以向京邦公司的硅光电倍增管阵列JARY-TP3050-8X8C提供工作电压与采集电路。
- SiPM /
- STM32 /
- 自动增益校正 /
- LM2576-ADJ /
- DS18B20
Abstract: The gain of silicon photomultiplier tube will drift greatly due to temperature variation, which will affect the gain accuracy of silicon photomultiplier tube. To realize that silicon photomultiplier tube gain does not change greatly with temperature variation, an automatic gain correction system for silicon photomultiplier tube is designed, including the design of a high voltage power supply and an acquisition system based on single chip microcomputer.The high voltage module can accurately operate in the temperature range of −10 ℃ to 60 ℃, and the power noise is about 30 mV, which can meet the requirements of silicon photomultiplier tube performance testing.Through frequency sweep test and laser irradiation test, the acquisition system can better pass the 60 MHz AC signal, and transform the optical signal into a more obvious electrical signal.The system provides a working voltage and acquisition circuit to Jingbon Compony’s silicon photomultiplier tube array JARY-TP3050-8X8C.-
Key words:
- SiPM /
- STM32 /
- automatic gain correction /
- LM2576-ADJ /
- DS18B20
表 1 测试结果表
Table 1. Results of experiments
designed temperature/℃ test temperature/℃ theoretical output voltage/V actual output voltage/V −20 −22.1 25.452 25.52 −10 −10 25.796 25.81 0 0.1 26.14 26.15 10 9.9 26.484 26.48 20 20.0 26.828 26.83 30 30.1 27.172 27.17 40 39.9 27.516 27.52 50 50.1 27.86 27.87 60 60.0 28.204 28.21 70 70.3 28.548 28.61 -
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