Test of 100kA vacuum circuit breaker based on artificial current zero for quench protection
摘要: 在超导磁体电源系统中,失超保护系统具有重要的地位,能够将磁体能量迅速转移并消耗。聚变堆主机关键系统综合研究设施项目对失超保护系统提出了100 kA直流分断的技术要求,其中采用真空断路器作为转移支路开关。针对CRAFT失超保护系统,设计了串联结构的100 kA直流真空断路器并完成了样机制造。通过现场试验,在人工过零电路的配合下,所设计和制造的真空断路器完成了100 kA直流分断测试。Abstract: Quench protection system plays an important role in superconducting magnet power supply system, as it can transfer and consume magnet energy rapidly. In the project of Comprehensive Research Facility for Fusion Technology (CRAFT), the technical requirement of breaking 100 kA direct current (DC) is proposed for the quench protection system, in which the vacuum circuit breaker is used as the switch of transfer branch. In this paper, a 100 kA DC vacuum circuit breaker with series structure is designed for the CRAFT project’s quench protection system, and the prototype is manufactured. In field test, with the cooperation of artificial zero-point circuit, the vacuum circuit has completed the 100 kA (DC) breaking test successfully.
Key words:
- quench protection /
- vacuum circuit breaker /
- series structure /
- artificial zero crossing /
- DC breaking
表 1 真空断路器用灭弧室主要参数(BGH6210)
Table 1. Main parameters of interrupter for vacuum circuit breaker (BGH6210)
rated voltage/kV rated current/A rated short-circuit breaking current/kA rated short-time withstand current/kA rated short circuit duration/s 18 6300 100 100 2 表 2 分断测试电路部件参数
Table 2. Component parameters of breaking test circuit
capacitor of main
discharge circuit C0/mFinductor of main
discharge circuit L0/μHcapacitor of artificial zero
crossing circuit C1/mFinductor of artificial zero
crossing circuit L1/μHbuffer capacitor
C2/mFenergy dissipation
resistor Rd/Ω86.4 265 8.8 66 1 0.125 -
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