Experimentation of 260 W wavelength stabilized fiber-coupled diode laser pumping model
摘要: 半导体光纤耦合输出泵浦源是光纤激光器的核心器件,其性能直接制约光纤激光器的输出水平。采用COS封装的高功率LD芯片,通过VBG外腔光谱锁定和精密光束整形变换技术,结合偏振合束与精密聚焦耦合技术将18个LD单元耦合进105 μm/NA0.22光纤,获得不低于260 W功率输出。实验表明,该模块在注入电流18 A时,可获得稳定输出连续功率264 W,对应电光效率52%,输出光谱中心波长975.92 nm,谱宽0.51 nm。该设计为获得高功率、高亮度波长稳定泵浦源提供了一条可行途径,光纤耦合输出模块工程化后可广泛应用在光纤激光器泵浦等领域。Abstract: As pump station, fiber-coupled diode laser source is one of the key elements of fiber laser, its performance restricts the output level of the fiber laser directly. Aimed at a multi-mode fiber of 105 μm core diameter and 0.22 numerical aperture, a 260 W-level high-brightness fiber-coupled diode laser model based on single-emitter-COS (chip on submount) is developed. In the design, volume Bragg grating (VBG) is used to control the spectrum of the corresponding emitter at a narrow bandwidth (about 0.5 nm), and the beam shaping technologies, polarization multiplexing and aspherical lens are taken to couple the 18 LD beams into the multi-mode fiber. The experiment indicates that, the beam shaping system can couple the 18 LD beams into the fiber, and the output power can achieve 264 W, with the E-O efficiency of 52% at operation current 18 A. Simultaneously, the central wavelength of the model is locked at 975.92 nm with an FWHM of 0.51 nm. This design offers a feasible approach to the spectral-controlled fiber-coupled diode laser. The engineered fiber-coupled diode laser system can be widely used in fiber pumping and many other areas.
Key words:
- diode laser /
- fiber coupling /
- wavelength-control /
- beam shaping
表 1 单管芯片的主要特性参数(25 ℃)
Table 1. Main parameters of the LD chip (25 ℃)
emitter contact width/μm cavity length/mm θ||/(°) θ⊥/(°) centroid wavelength/nm power@18 A/W 120 4 9(95% energy) 52(95% energy) 976±3 >16.5 表 2 波长锁定前后功率传输效率
Table 2. Transmission efficiency of VBG
power/W wavelength/nm power/W wavelength/nm FWHM/nm transmission efficiency
of VBG/%free-running lensed with VBG 16.62 977.30 16.12 975.34 0.49 97.0 16.57 975.48 16.02 975.34 0.50 96.7 16.58 977.72 16.04 975.34 0.51 96.7 16.44 977.58 15.91 975.34 0.49 96.8 16.60 977.72 16.14 975.34 0.49 97.2 16.61 977.86 16.11 975.20 0.48 97.0 16.47 977.86 16.02 975.20 0.49 97.3 -
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