Inertial stabilization technology in optical-electric tracking system
摘要: 在侦查探测、激光通讯等领域,光电跟踪系统的闭环精度是其重要技术指标之一。为了提高闭环精度,一般可使用图像稳定技术,惯性稳定技术或整体自稳定技术。惯性稳定技术因其良好的稳定效果,已在光电跟踪系统中得到广泛应用。采用对比分析的方法对光电跟踪系统中的机架惯性稳定、反射镜惯性稳定以及惯性基准光稳定技术进行了原理分析,优势比较以及发展展望,总结出多种惯性稳定技术交叉使用的复合轴惯性稳定仍是未来一段时间的发展趋势。Abstract: The closed-loop accuracy of the optical-electric tracking system is one of the important technical index in the fields of reconnaissance and detection, laser communication, etc. Researchers usually use image stabilization techniques, inertial stabilization techniques, or overall self-stabilization techniques to improve the closed-loop accuracy. Inertial stabilization techniques has been widely used in photoelectric tracking system for its good stabilization effect. This paper adopts the method of comparative analysis to analyze the principle, compare the advantages and forecast the development prospect of the frame inertial stabilization, mirror inertial stabilization and inertial reference light stabilization techniques in the photoelectric tracking system. It is proposed that the composite axis inertial stabilization using multiple inertial stabilization techniques is still a development tendency in the near future.
表 1 国内多轴多框架光电转台研制情况
Table 1. Development of domestic multi-axis and multi-frame photoelectric turntables
structure type manufacturer weight/kg volume/mm×mm load function stabilization precision/µrad two-axis four-frame CIOMP 80 490×650 visible light detection
focal distance: 20~500 mm
infrared detection
FOV(8~12 µm)
laser ranging
wavelength: 1154 µm
Distance: 20 km25 two-axis four-frame 014 35 358×508 visible light detection
focal distance: 15~300 mm
infrared detection
24×180、30×2.2040 two-axis two-frame 618 25 280×455 visible light detection
focal distance: 10~150 mm
three modes: color, high resolution, low light100 two-axis four-frame CIOMP 200 600×850 visible light detection
focal distance: 240~1000 mm
infrared detection
FOV(3~5 µm)
30×2.25020 two-axis four-frame CIOMP 10 260×420 visible light detection
focal distance: 5.4~72 mm
two modes: color, high resolution100 表 2 国外多轴多框架光电转台研制情况
Table 2. Development of foreign multi-axis and multi-frame photoelectric turntables
structure type manufacturer weight/kg volume/mm×mm load function stabilization precision/µrad two-axis four-frame USA
Westing house32 384×596 visible light detection
focal distance: 20~280 mm
infrared detection FOV:
laser ranging distance: 10 km25 two-axis four-frame Israel
TOPLITE53 406×662 visible light detection
focal distance: 20~240 mm
infrared detection
FOV (8~120 µm, 3~5 µm)
laser Ranging
wave length: 1.54 µm
distance: 20 km25 two-axis four-frame Italy
Astro30 380×596 infrared detection
FOV(8~12 µm)
visible light detection:
10 times zoom25 three-axis stabilization Canada
mescam30 356×548 visible light detection
focal distance: 16~160 mm
infrared detection FOV:
laser ranging distance: 10 km35 two-axis four-frame France
Scarnoff35 356×548 visible light detection FOV:
infrared detection FOV:
laser ranging distance: 10 km35 two-axis four-frame Russia
GS-257.5 340×552 visible light detection
infrared detection
laser ranging
laser irradiation50 OIRU-100 OIRU-500 OIRU-1000 jitter performance (1−1000 Hz) 100 nrad 500 nrad 2 μrad IKA performance 1.2 mrad at 20 min 2.2 mrad at 20 min 6 mrad at 20 min mechanism size 9.5″ dia. × 5.5″ high 7″ dia. × 5″ high 3.1″ dia. × 3.5″ high mechanism mass 18 lbs 10 lbs 3 lbs electronics mass 2 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs power 45 W 30 W 18 W gyro (3) Emcore 1.3k FOG (3) KVH DSP-1750D FOG (1) 2-Axis NG G2000 DTG ARS (3) ARS-16 (3) ARS-16 (3) ARS-15 acceleration 2 rad/s2 2 rad/s2 10 rad/s2 bandwidth (open-loop crossover) >100 Hz >100 Hz >150 Hz position resolution <1 μrad <1 μrad <1 μrad controller type digital (FPGA) digital (FPGA) digital (FPGA) -
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