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杨开栋 王德恩 杨英 许党朋 王芳 刘昊

杨开栋, 王德恩, 杨英, 等. 光电跟踪系统中的惯性稳定技术[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 081007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220065
引用本文: 杨开栋, 王德恩, 杨英, 等. 光电跟踪系统中的惯性稳定技术[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2022, 34: 081007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220065
Yang Kaidong, Wang De’en, Yang Ying, et al. Inertial stabilization technology in optical-electric tracking system[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 081007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220065
Citation: Yang Kaidong, Wang De’en, Yang Ying, et al. Inertial stabilization technology in optical-electric tracking system[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34: 081007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220065


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202234.220065


  • 中图分类号: TP273;TN29

Inertial stabilization technology in optical-electric tracking system

  • 摘要: 在侦查探测、激光通讯等领域,光电跟踪系统的闭环精度是其重要技术指标之一。为了提高闭环精度,一般可使用图像稳定技术,惯性稳定技术或整体自稳定技术。惯性稳定技术因其良好的稳定效果,已在光电跟踪系统中得到广泛应用。采用对比分析的方法对光电跟踪系统中的机架惯性稳定、反射镜惯性稳定以及惯性基准光稳定技术进行了原理分析,优势比较以及发展展望,总结出多种惯性稳定技术交叉使用的复合轴惯性稳定仍是未来一段时间的发展趋势。
  • 图  1  整体稳定式控制原理图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the overall stabilization method

    图  2  捷联稳定式控制原理图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of the strap-down stabilization method

    图  3  两轴四框架光电跟踪系统[2]

    Figure  3.  Two-axis four-frame optical-electric tracking system[2]

    图  4  反射镜稳定技术中的反射镜[6]

    Figure  4.  Mirrors in mirror stabilization technology[6]

    图  5  含半角机构的反射镜稳定系统结构图[7]

    Figure  5.  Structure diagram of mirror stabilization system with half-angle mechanism[7]

    图  6  基于前馈控制的FSM视轴稳定技术[10]

    Figure  6.  Line-of-sight stabilization technology based on feed-forward control and FSM[10]

    图  7  基于光学惯性基准单元的视轴稳定原理图[12]

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of line-of-sight stabilization based on optical inertial reference unit[12]

    图  8  惯性伪星参考装置原理图[12]

    Figure  8.  Schematic of inertial pseudo-star reference unit (IPSRU)[12]

    图  9  波音公司SIMS结构图[15]

    Figure  9.  The structure diagram of Boeing’s  stabilized inertial measurement system (SIMS)[15]

    图  10  ATA公司OIRU结构图[16]

    Figure  10.  The structure diagram of ATA’s optical inertial reference unit (OIRU)[16]

    表  1  国内多轴多框架光电转台研制情况

    Table  1.   Development of domestic multi-axis and multi-frame photoelectric turntables

    structure typemanufacturerweight/kgvolume/mm×mmload functionstabilization precision/µrad
    two-axis four-frameCIOMP80490×650visible light detection
    focal distance: 20~500 mm
    infrared detection
    FOV(8~12 µm)
    laser ranging
    wavelength: 1154 µm
    Distance: 20 km
    two-axis four-frame01435358×508visible light detection
    focal distance: 15~300 mm
    infrared detection
    two-axis two-frame61825280×455visible light detection
    focal distance: 10~150 mm
    three modes: color, high resolution, low light
    two-axis four-frameCIOMP200600×850visible light detection
    focal distance: 240~1000 mm
    infrared detection
    FOV(3~5 µm)
    two-axis four-frameCIOMP10260×420visible light detection
    focal distance: 5.4~72 mm
    two modes: color, high resolution
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    表  2  国外多轴多框架光电转台研制情况

    Table  2.   Development of foreign multi-axis and multi-frame photoelectric turntables

    structure typemanufacturerweight/kgvolume/mm×mmload functionstabilization precision/µrad
    two-axis four-frameUSA
    Westing house
    32384×596visible light detection
    focal distance: 20~280 mm
    infrared detection FOV:
    laser ranging distance: 10 km
    two-axis four-frameIsrael
    53406×662visible light detection
    focal distance: 20~240 mm
    infrared detection
    FOV (8~120 µm, 3~5 µm)
    laser Ranging
    wave length: 1.54 µm
    distance: 20 km
    two-axis four-frameItaly
    30380×596infrared detection
    FOV(8~12 µm)
    visible light detection:
    10 times zoom
    three-axis stabilizationCanada
    30356×548visible light detection
    focal distance: 16~160 mm
    infrared detection FOV:
    laser ranging distance: 10 km
    two-axis four-frameFrance
    35356×548visible light detection FOV:
    infrared detection FOV:
    laser ranging distance: 10 km
    two-axis four-frameRussia
    57.5340×552visible light detection
    infrared detection
    laser ranging
    laser irradiation
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    表  3  ATA公司的OIRU-xxx系列性能参数[16]

    Table  3.   Performance parameters of ATA’s OIRU-xxx series[16]

    jitter performance (1−1000 Hz)100 nrad500 nrad2 μrad
    IKA performance1.2 mrad at 20 min2.2 mrad at 20 min6 mrad at 20 min
    mechanism size9.5″ dia. × 5.5″ high7″ dia. × 5″ high3.1″ dia. × 3.5″ high
    mechanism mass18 lbs10 lbs3 lbs
    electronics mass2 lbs2 lbs2 lbs
    power45 W30 W18 W
    gyro(3) Emcore 1.3k FOG(3) KVH DSP-1750D FOG(1) 2-Axis NG G2000 DTG
    ARS(3) ARS-16(3) ARS-16(3) ARS-15
    acceleration2 rad/s22 rad/s210 rad/s2
    bandwidth (open-loop crossover)>100 Hz>100 Hz>150 Hz
    position resolution<1 μrad<1 μrad<1 μrad
    controller typedigital (FPGA)digital (FPGA)digital (FPGA)
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