17.4 kW (1+1) long distance side-pumped laser fiber
长距离侧面泵浦激光光纤在泵浦光注入、热管理、非线性抑制等方面具有天然优势,是实现高功率激光输出的有效途径。研制了(1+1)型长距离侧面泵浦激光光纤,采用1018 nm同带泵浦反向注入方式实现了17.4 kW激光输出,斜率效率为82.1%,3 dB线宽为1.3 nm,拉曼抑制比为37.8 dB。研究结果展示了长距离侧面泵浦光纤作为数十千瓦光纤激光放大器增益介质的巨大应用潜力。
Abstract:The long distance side-pumped laser fiber (LDSPF) is characterized by its ability for high power pump power coupling, heat management and nonlinear effect suppressing, which is quite potential for high power fiber laser application.A (1+1) LDSPF for tandem pumping was fabricated and tested. Pumped by 1018 nm fiber lasers, 17.4 kW laser output at 1080 nm with a slope efficiency of 82.1% was achieved with this fiber amplifier with backward pumping technique. Linewidth at 3 dB of the laser is 1.3 nm and the ratio of signal light to SRS is around 37.8 dB at the maximum power. The results demonstrate great potential of LDSPF as power amplifier for tens of kilowatts fiber laser.
Key words:
- fiber laser /
- fiber amplifier /
- tandem pump /
- side-pump /
- laser fiber
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