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程丹 张昆 房一涛 张浩彬 程昭晨 吴佟 余洋 孙儒峰 李尧 宋奎岩 张利明 张大勇 赵鸿 冯亭

程丹, 张昆, 房一涛, 等. 应用于单纵模光纤激光器的复合环腔滤波器的理论仿真[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 121001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230145
引用本文: 程丹, 张昆, 房一涛, 等. 应用于单纵模光纤激光器的复合环腔滤波器的理论仿真[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 121001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230145
Cheng Dan, Zhang Kun, Fang Yitao, et al. Theoretical simulation of compound ring cavity filter for single longitudinal mode fiber laser[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 121001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230145
Citation: Cheng Dan, Zhang Kun, Fang Yitao, et al. Theoretical simulation of compound ring cavity filter for single longitudinal mode fiber laser[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 121001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230145


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230145
基金项目: 国防科技重点实验室基金项目

    程 丹,dcheng@bjtu.edu.cn


    张 昆,nukzhang@163.com

    冯 亭,wlxyft@hbu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN248

Theoretical simulation of compound ring cavity filter for single longitudinal mode fiber laser

  • 摘要: 提出了一种用于单纵模激光器选模的基于光纤耦合器的光纤复合环腔(CRC)滤波器的仿真方法,利用该方法对两种新型双耦合器双环CRC (DCDR-CRC)滤波器及三耦合器双环CRC (TCDR-CRC)滤波器进行了理论仿真,通过引入游标原理,分析了两种滤波器在不同环长差下的滤波特性,并通过调整DCDR-CRC及TCDR-CRC的耦合比、环长及环长差,对有效自由光谱范围 (FSR)、抑制比 (SR)及主透射峰带宽进行优化,计算结果表明优化后环腔的有效FSR可有效抑制波长选择器传输通带内的增益竞争,较低的SR可以抑制CRC滤波器相邻透射峰之间的增益竞争,较窄的主透射峰可以保证仅有一个激光器的纵模被选择。
  • 图  1  光纤光栅结合复合子环腔滤波器选模过程图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the process of mode-selecting by the FBG and the subring compound cavity filter

    图  2  光学游标效应原理图[10-11]

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of the optical Vernier effect principle[10-11]

    图  3  基于双3×3对称型OC的DCDR-CRC结构示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of the DCDR-CRC basedon two symmetric 3 × 3 optical couplers

    图  4  不同环长差下双耦合器复合双环腔(DCDR)传输谱,内插图为一个FSR内DCDR传输谱的放大图

    Figure  4.  Transmission spectra of the dual-coupler double ring compound cavity at various cavity length differences,where the insets are the zoomed-in transmission spectra over one FSR of the simulated DCDR

    图  5  TCDR-CRC结构示意图

    Figure  5.  Schematic diagram of the TCDR-CRC

    图  6  不同环长差下TCDR-CRC传输谱, 内插图分别为一个FSR内TCDR传输谱的放大图及最高透射峰传输谱放大图

    Figure  6.  Transmission spectra of the TCDR-CRC at various cavity length differences,where the insets are the zoomed-in transmission spectraover one FSR and the highest transmission peak of the simulated TCDR, respectively

    图  7  环长及环长差固定,不同耦合比下仿真所得TCDR的传输谱, 内插图分别为一个FSR内TCDR传输谱的放大图及最高透射峰传输谱放大图

    Figure  7.  Transmission spectra of the TCDR compound cavity at different coupling ratios with certain cavity length and cavity length difference, where the insets are the zoomed-in transmission spectra over one FSR and the highest transmission peak of the simulated TCDR, respectively

    图  8  耦合比及环长差固定,不同腔长下仿真所得TCDR传输谱, 内插图分别为一个FSR内TCDR传输谱的放大图及最高透射峰传输谱放大图

    Figure  8.  Transmission spectra of the TCDR compound cavity at different cavity lengths and certain coupling ratio and cavity length difference, where the insets are the zoomed-in transmission spectra over one FSR and the highest transmission peak of the simulated TCDR, respectively

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  • 收稿日期:  2023-05-25
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