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刘鹏飞 陈玉清 李颂 朱彤

刘鹏飞, 陈玉清, 李颂, 等. 基于OpenMC的反应性等效物理转换方法在双重非均匀性问题中的应用[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 126002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230193
引用本文: 刘鹏飞, 陈玉清, 李颂, 等. 基于OpenMC的反应性等效物理转换方法在双重非均匀性问题中的应用[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 126002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230193
Liu Pengfei, Chen Yuqing, Li Song, et al. Application development of RPT module based on OpenMC for double-heterogeneous system[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 126002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230193
Citation: Liu Pengfei, Chen Yuqing, Li Song, et al. Application development of RPT module based on OpenMC for double-heterogeneous system[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 126002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230193


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230193




  • 中图分类号: TL334

Application development of RPT module based on OpenMC for double-heterogeneous system

  • 摘要: 由于基体中有着大量随机分布的弥散颗粒,双重非均匀系统具有复杂的几何结构,传统中子学计算方法往往难以处理双重非均匀系统,反应性等效物理转换(RPT)方法是常用的近似处理方法。通过分析RPT方法的三个关键步骤:精确初始值的求解、等效半径的求解、燃耗算法的选取,探讨了各步骤采用不同算法对RPT方法效率和精度的影响,并基于OpenMC在Python应用程序接口之上开发了RPT模块。数值结果表明,优化后的RPT模块,在保持良好计算效率的同时,也能满足工程计算精度的需要。
  • 图  1  反应性等效物理转换方法示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of reactivity equivalent physical transformation method

    图  2  弥散颗粒系统晶格划分示意图

    Figure  2.  Diagram of lattice division of dispersed particle system

    图  3  基于OpenMC的RPT模块流程图

    Figure  3.  Flow chart of RPT module based on OpenMC

    图  4  晶格划分对计算效率的影响

    Figure  4.  Effect of lattice division on computational efficiency

    图  5  采用传统方法与RPT模块搜索等效半径效果对比图

    Figure  5.  Comparison of the effect of searching equivalent radius between traditional method and RPT module

    图  6  RPT模块处理双重非均匀系统时Kinf及反应性偏差随燃耗的变化

    Figure  6.  Variation of Kinf and reactivity deviation with depletion using RPT module to deal with DH system

    表  1  棒状几何燃料栅元主要参数

    Table  1.   Main parameters of fuel pin

    pitch/cm radius
    of fuel
    of air
    density of
    thickness of
    density of
    zirconium cladding/
    density of
    moderate H2O/
    1.26 0.4096 0.0084 UO2 20 10.5 Zr 0.057 6.5 1.0 300
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    表  2  随机弥散毒物颗粒模型参数

    Table  2.   Parameters of dispersed poison particles

    material of particlesradius of particles/μmvolumetric fraction of particles/%density of fuel particles/(g·cm−3)
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    表  3  不同晶格划分方法对弥散颗粒系统计算的影响

    Table  3.   Effects of different lattice partition methods on the calculation of dispersed particle system

    lattice division
    computing time/s Kinf
    volumetric fraction 5% volumetric fraction 10% volumetric fraction 5% volumetric fraction 10%
    1×1×1(no lattice) 5868.359 17236.021 1.45644 1.61679
    3×3×3 732.663 1639.056 1.45538 1.61731
    5×5×5 376.934 769.323 1.45602 1.61757
    7×7×7 270.646 503.730 1.45558 1.61638
    10×10×10 177.279 262.550 1.45651 1.61755
    13×13×13 174.607 247.808 1.45698 1.61752
    15×15×15 177.633 246.969 1.45634 1.61741
    17×17×17 182.233 254.476 1.45673 1.61613
    19×19×19 200.549 260.858 1.45546 1.61734
    21×21×21 206.945 271.748 1.45615 1.61748
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    表  4  OpenMC生成颗粒时间

    Table  4.   Particle generation time of OpenMC

    5 5033 0.67583202
    10 10066 1.49383474
    20 20132 3.50719374
    30 30198 17.73238749
    40 40265 156.2571
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