Equivalent testing method for shielding effectiveness of miniature unmanned aerial vehicle
摘要: 微小型无人飞行器的屏蔽效能对其抗外部强电磁干扰能力有显著影响。针对微小型飞行器物理空间小、屏蔽效能难以测量的困难,提出一种基于扩比模型的等效获取方法,将原模型等比例扩大n倍得到扩比模型,利用常规屏蔽效能测试方法和测试仪器测量得到扩比模型的屏蔽效能,再根据扩比模型和原模型屏蔽效能的关系得到原模型的屏蔽效能。以巡飞弹和四旋翼无人机两种典型微小型飞行器为例进行了仿真,结果表明原模型在频率f处的屏蔽效能等于扩比模型在频率f1=f/n处的屏蔽效能,验证了该方法的正确性。在此基础上,总结提出了基于扩比模型的等效测试流程,为微小型飞行器屏蔽效能的测试提供了一种可行的测试方法。Abstract: The shielding effectiveness of a miniature unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has a significant impact on its ability to resist strong external electromagnetic interference. An equivalent method based on a large-scale model is employed to overcome the difficulties of measurement performed inside an extremely small space. In this method, the original miniature UAV is enlarged in proportion with scaling factor n and then a large-scale model is obtained. The shielding effectiveness of the large-scale model can be measured by existing mature instruments and test method. Then, the shielding effectiveness of the original model is obtained according to the relationship between the two models. On this basis, two typical miniature UAVs, i.e., a loitering munition and a quad-rotor UAV, are modeled and simulated. It is validated that the shielding effectiveness of the original model at the frequency f is equal to that of the large-scale model at the frequency
$ {f_1} = f/n $ . Thus, the proposed equivalent method is correct and effective. Finally, a testing procedure is outlined for the equivalent method. It provides an available way to obtain shielding effectiveness of miniature UAVs. -
表 1 原模型与扩比模型各参量之间的对应关系
Table 1. Relations of the parameters between the original model and its large-scale model
parameter original model large-scale model length l $ {l_1} = nl $ frequency f $ {f_1} = f/n $ dielectric constant $ \varepsilon $ $ {\varepsilon _1} = \varepsilon $ permeability $ \; \mu $ $ \;{ \mu _1} = \mu $ conductivity $ \sigma $ $ {\sigma _1} = \sigma /n $ -
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