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周宏冰 张昊宇 李敏 冯曦 谢亮华 刘玙 楚秋慧 闫玥芳 陶汝茂 林宏奂 王建军 颜立新 景峰

周宏冰, 张昊宇, 李敏, 等. 大规模激光相干合成主动相位控制技术研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 061001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230426
引用本文: 周宏冰, 张昊宇, 李敏, 等. 大规模激光相干合成主动相位控制技术研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 061001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230426
Zhou Hongbing, Zhang Haoyu, Li Min, et al. Progress in active phase control for large-scale coherent laser beam combining[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 061001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230426
Citation: Zhou Hongbing, Zhang Haoyu, Li Min, et al. Progress in active phase control for large-scale coherent laser beam combining[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 061001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230426


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230426
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(62205317)

    周宏冰 zhouhb21@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn


    陶汝茂 supertaozhi@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O436

Progress in active phase control for large-scale coherent laser beam combining

  • 摘要: 大规模激光相干合成是突破单口径激光特性极限、获得超高峰值/平均功率、超大脉冲能量、超高空/谱亮度等极端特性激光的有效技术路径之一,而大规模激光相干合成的关键是主动相位控制。主动相位控制技术可以对各路光束相位进行主动控制,补偿相位噪声引起的相干特性退化、合成效率下降,获得高品质的合成激光。自相干合成技术提出以来,研究人员开发了多种主动相位控制方法用于相干合成相位校正,其中适用于大规模激光相干合成的主动相位控制方法也得到了飞速发展。系统梳理了大规模激光相干合成的主动相位控制方法,深入分析了不同方法的原理、特点、适用场景和扩展能力,介绍了不同方法取得的相干合成研究最新进展及标志性成果,报道了19通道闭环上升时间仅6 μs的相干合成锁相控制突破性结果,最后总结和展望了主动相位控制方法的发展趋势。
  • 图  1  主动相位控制方法分类

    Figure  1.  Categories of active phase control methods

    图  2  倾斜干涉法测量相位的基本原理[38]

    Figure  2.  Principle of phase measurement by inclined interference[38]

    图  3  基于干涉法的61路飞秒脉冲光纤激光相干合成的(a)阵列结构、干涉条纹图像和(b)实验结果[42]

    Figure  3.  (a) Array structure and interference fringe pattern and (b) experiment results of interference-based coherent beam combining of 61 femtosecond fiber lasers[42]

    图  4  基于干涉法的1 027路相干合成的(a)系统结构和(b)实验结果[44]

    Figure  4.  (a) System setup and (b) experiment results in interference-based coherent beam combining of 1 027 channels[44]

    图  5  (a)107路SPGD相干合成实验系统及控制效果[60],(b)19路20 kW级SPGD相干合成的开环和闭环光斑图像[17]

    Figure  5.  (a) Experiment system and control effect of 107-channel SPGD coherent beam combining[60],(b) beam pattern of 19-channel 20 kW class SPGD coherent beam combining[17]

    图  6  基于SPGD算法的61路相干合成的开环和闭环归一化强度

    Figure  6.  Normalized intensity in open- and closed-loop of SPGD-based 61-channel coherent beam combining

    图  7  分级SPGD算法[73]

    Figure  7.  Multi-stage SPGD[73]

    图  8  多抖动法相干合成系统结构图

    Figure  8.  Diagram of coherent beam combining system based on multi-dithering method

    图  9  多抖动法32路相干合成控制前后的强度变化和闭环控制残差[78]

    Figure  9.  Intensity comparison before and after control and closed-loop phase residual in 32-channel multi-dithering coherent beam combining[78]

    图  10  基于高速多抖动法的19路相干合成的(a)实验光路图、(b)锁相上升时间;相位控制板的(c)带宽评估系统和(d)带宽测试结果

    Figure  10.  (a) Experiment setup and (b) phase-locking rising time of 19-channel coherent beam combining based on high-speed multi-dithering method. (c) Bandwidth evaluation system and (d) bandwidth test result of the phase control circuit

    图  11  基于级联多抖动法的2×4路相干合成[86]

    Figure  11.  2×4 coherent beam combining based on cascaded multi-dithering method[86]

    图  12  PIM相位控制的系统设置[87]

    Figure  12.  System setup of PIM phase control[87]

    图  13  基于PIM的37路光纤放大器相干合成[89]

    Figure  13.  PIM coherent beam combining of 37-channel fiber amplifiers[89]

    图  14  PIM-PR控制方法[88]

    Figure  14.  PIM-PR control method[88]

    图  15  基于PIM的81路相干合成的DOE传输函数及模拟和实验光斑强度分布[92]

    Figure  15.  DOE transmission function and intensity profile in simulation and experiment of 81-channel DOE coherent beam combining based on PIM[92]

    图  16  CNN的建立和训练过程[115]

    Figure  16.  Establishment and training process of CNN[115]

    图  17  准强化学习100路相干合成的实验系统设置和收敛曲线[100]

    Figure  17.  System setup and convergence curves of 100-channel CBC by quasi-reinforcement learning[100]

    图  18  基于神经网络算法的81路相干合成[120]

    Figure  18.  81-channel coherent beam combining based on neural network algorithm[120]

    图  19  CNN和SPGD算法(a)在不同初始条件下的7路合成收敛曲线和(b)收敛时间随路数的变化[122]

    Figure  19.  (a) Convergence curve of 7-channel coherent beam combining under different initial conditions and (b) convergence time versus element number by CNN and SPGD[122]

    图  20  DDRM算法相位控制的收敛曲线[124]

    Figure  20.  Convergence curves of phase control by DDRM algorithm[124]

    图  21  (a)传统损失函数和(b)周期损失函数训练的CNN在不同真实相位下的预测误差及其统计分布[125]

    Figure  21.  Prediction errors and their statistic distribution for various true phases as CNN trained by (a) traditional and (b) periodical loss function[125]

    表  1  大规模光纤激光相干合成的代表性成果

    Table  1.   Representative results of large-scale coherent beam combining of fiber lasers

    year number of channels institution method single step time rising time residual
    2011 64[28] Thales Research & Technology interference 50 ms λ/10
    2011 32[78] University of New Mexico multi-dithering 2.45 μs λ/71
    2017 37[89] Université de Limoges PIM 1 ms λ/25
    2020 61[42] Thales Research & Technology interference 1 ms λ/55
    2020 107[60] National University of Defense Technology SPGD 1 μs λ/22
    2021 81[92] Lawrence Berkeley National Lab PIM 33 ms
    2021 81[120] Lawrence Berkeley National Lab machine learning ~10 ms ~0.4 s
    2022 61 China Academy of Engineering Physics SPGD ~40 ms λ/37
    2022 100[100] Université de limoges machine learning 0.4 s ~2.4 s λ/30
    2022 397[43] National University of Defense Technology interference 5 ms λ/31
    2023 1027[44] National University of Defense Technology interference 5 ms λ/27
    2023 19 China Academy of Engineering Physics multi-dithering 2 μs 6 μs λ/56
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    表  2  主动相位控制方法的对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of active phase control methods

    method system requirement execution rate control bandwidth optical complexity algorithm complexity
    interference tiled aperture slow medium high medium
    SPGD none medium inversely proportional to channels low low
    multi-dithering none fast high low medium
    PIM DOE/tiled aperture fast high medium medium
    machine learning DOE/tiled aperture slow medium low high
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