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吴骏翔 邓力源 何贞岑 孙钊 胡智民

吴骏翔, 邓力源, 何贞岑, 等. 蒙特卡罗模拟中物理模型对质子硼俘获治疗剂量学的影响[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 066002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240019
引用本文: 吴骏翔, 邓力源, 何贞岑, 等. 蒙特卡罗模拟中物理模型对质子硼俘获治疗剂量学的影响[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 066002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240019
Wu Junxiang, Deng Liyuan, He Zhencen, et al. Effect of different physics lists in Monte Carlo simulation on proton boron capture therapy[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 066002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240019
Citation: Wu Junxiang, Deng Liyuan, He Zhencen, et al. Effect of different physics lists in Monte Carlo simulation on proton boron capture therapy[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 066002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240019


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240019
基金项目: 国防基础科研计划项目(JCKYS2023212808);中央引导地方科技项目(2023ZYD0017)




  • 中图分类号: R815.6

Effect of different physics lists in Monte Carlo simulation on proton boron capture therapy

  • 摘要: 比较了蒙特卡罗(MC)软件Geant4中不同物理过程对质子硼俘获治疗(PBCT)的剂量学影响。选取Geant4中FTFP、QBBC和QGSP三种物理过程,构建包含质子硼核反应的质子剂量沉积的模型,比较了80 MeV质子束选取三种物理过程在有无硼时的剂量分布,以及3 MeV质子束轰击纯硼时的核反应产物数据。三种物理过程在有无硼时水模体中的剂量分布无显著差异,一致性较好。FTFP物理过程获得的质子硼核反应产物与QBBC和QGSP物理过程相比差异较大。而QGSP物理过程得到的α粒子的产额、平均能量和能量范围与QBBC物理过程相比与实际情况吻合更好。综合评估三种物理过程中使用的非弹性散射模型以及模拟得到的核反应产物数据,Geant4中的QGSP物理过程更适用于PBCT的MC模拟研究。
  • 图  1  PBCT核反应过程示意图

    Figure  1.  Nuclear reaction of PBCT flow chart

    图  2  Geant4模拟示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic overview of the Geant4 simulation

    图  3  三种物理过程的PDD和Yoon等PDD的比较

    Figure  3.  PDD of three physics lists in this study and compared with Yoon, et al

    图  4  三种物理过程有无硼的PDD比较

    Figure  4.  Relative energy deposition curves for proton beam with and without boron region of three physics lists

    图  5  三种物理过程有无硼的LDP比较

    Figure  5.  LDP curves for proton beam with and without boron region of three physics lists

    表  1  模拟中的材料组成

    Table  1.   Composition of material in MC

    material wB/% wH/% wO/% wC/% wN/% wAr/% density/(g·cm−3)
    boron 100 2.08
    water 11.19 88.81 1
    air 23.18 0.02 75.52 1.28 1.205×10−3
    vacuum 1.0×10−25
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    表  2  三种物理过程中的物理模型及反应截面

    Table  2.   Physics models and reaction cross-section of three physics lists

    physics list type of modules models (particle and energy ranges) cross-sections
    FTFP_BERT hadron physics inelastic model Fritiof parton (FTF)
    (p,n, 3 GeV~100 TeV)
    p (G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS)
    n (G4NeutronInelasticXS)
    Bertini intranuclear cascade
    (p,n, 0~6 GeV)
    elastic model G4ChipsElasticModel
    (p,n, 0~100 TeV)
    p (G4BGGNucleonElasticXS)
    n (G4NeutronElasticXS)
    electromagnetic physics G4EmStandardPhysics (γ,e)
    QBBC hadron physics inelastic model Fritiof parton (FTF)
    (p,n, 3 GeV~100 TeV)
    p (G4ParticleInelasticXS)
    n (G4NeutronInelasticXS)
    Binary cascade
    (p,n, 0~1.5 GeV)
    Bertini (p,n, 1~6 GeV)
    elastic model G4ChipsElasticModel
    (p,n, 0~100 TeV)
    p (G4BGGNucleonElasticXS)
    n (G4NeutronElasticXS)
    electromagnetic physics G4EmStandardPhysics (γ,e)
    QGSP_BIC_AllHP hadron physics inelastic model Binary cascade
    (p,n, 0~6 GeV)
    p ≥20 MeV(G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS)
    n (G4NeutronInelasticXS)
    Quark-gluon String (QGS)
    (p,n, >12 GeV)
    Fritiof parton (FTF)
    (p,n, 3~25 GeV)
    elastic model G4ChipsElasticModel
    (p,n, 0~100 TeV)
    p (G4BGGNucleonElasticXS)
    n (G4NeutronElasticXS)
    electromagnetic physics G4EmStandardPhysics4 (γ,e)
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    表  3  三种物理过程的质子硼核反应数据

    Table  3.   Nuclear reaction product data of PBCT with three physics lists

    physics list energy/MeV yield of α/% mean energy of α/MeV energy range of α//MeV
    FTFP_BERT 3 0.1 4.51 0.11~9.16
    QBBC 3 7.6 4.17 0.35~9.23
    QGSP_BIC_AllHP 3 3.2 5.59 0.01~9.58
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