Plasma optics technologies: State of the art and future perspective
摘要: 等离子体介质由于具有极高的储能密度、无光致损伤阈值和丰富的光学特性,利用它改善光束输出性能是发展高功率激光技术的一条重要技术路线。系统介绍了近年来等离子体光学的研究现状,并论述了今后等离子体光学的发展趋势。Abstract: Plasma optics is an important way for the development of high power laser technology because plasma medium has high energy storage density, no laser-induced damage threshold and rich optical properties. The research status of plasma optics in recent years is introduced, and the development trend of plasma optics in the future is discussed.
Key words:
- high power lasers /
- plasma optics /
- plasma amplification /
- plasma photonic crystal
图 10 (a)利用凹面等离子体镜改善光束F数的实验示意图 (b)激光器自身输出F/2.7的光束焦斑 (c)利用等离子体凹面镜实现F/0.4的光束焦斑
Figure 10. (a) Experimental setup for tight focusing of ultrahigh-intensity laser pulses by low F-number confocal EPM. (b) Focal spot provided by the conventional F/2.7 output. (c) Focal spot in the output of the F/0.4, images are in common logarithm scale
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