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李平 张君 魏晓峰

李平, 张君, 魏晓峰. 等离子体光学的研究现状与发展前景[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2020, 32: 011008. doi: 10.11884/hplpb202032.190466
引用本文: 李平, 张君, 魏晓峰. 等离子体光学的研究现状与发展前景[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2020, 32: 011008. doi: 10.11884/hplpb202032.190466
Li Ping, Zhang Jun, Wei Xiaofeng. Plasma optics technologies: State of the art and future perspective[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2020, 32: 011008. doi: 10.11884/hplpb202032.190466
Citation: Li Ping, Zhang Jun, Wei Xiaofeng. Plasma optics technologies: State of the art and future perspective[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2020, 32: 011008. doi: 10.11884/hplpb202032.190466


doi: 10.11884/hplpb202032.190466
基金项目: 中国工程物理研究院院长基金项目(YZ1602);国家自然科学基金项目(11404306)

    李 平(1984—),男,博士研究生,副研究员,主要从事高功率激光装置光束调控及等离子体光学技术研究;liping1984@caep.cn

  • 中图分类号: O532+.13

Plasma optics technologies: State of the art and future perspective

  • 摘要: 等离子体介质由于具有极高的储能密度、无光致损伤阈值和丰富的光学特性,利用它改善光束输出性能是发展高功率激光技术的一条重要技术路线。系统介绍了近年来等离子体光学的研究现状,并论述了今后等离子体光学的发展趋势。
  • 图  1  典型等离子体的温度与密度区间

    Figure  1.  Temperature and density range of typical plasma

    图  2  材料介电常数和磁导率的区域分布

    Figure  2.  Area division of distribution of permittivity and permeablity of materials

    图  3  等离子体光电极开关(PEPC)原理示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of PEPC

    图  4  基于DKDP晶体的低损耗PEPC的原理示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of low loss PEPC based on DKDP crystal

    图  5  反射式PEPC的设计示意图

    Figure  5.  Design diagram of reflective PEPC

    图  6  基于等离子体介质实现激光放大的基本原理

    Figure  6.  Basic principle of laser amplification based on plasma medium

    图  7  (a)基于气袋靶形成均匀等离子体并通过8束泵浦光(黄色)的CBET效应实现对种子光(红色)的放大,(b)实验中各光束的输入功率

    Figure  7.  (a) The gas-filled balloon target is used to create a uniform plasma to amplify a single seed beam (red) by combination of eight pumping beams (yellow), (b) the incident power of all the beams

    图  8  双等离子体镜用于超短脉冲信噪比的提升

    Figure  8.  Laser pulse-shape conditioning with a double plasma-mirror (DPM)

    图  9  10 TW,60 fs激光系统应用双等离子体镜后脉冲对比度的改善(对数坐标)

    Figure  9.  Temporal profile of the laser pulses delivered by a 10 TW, 60 fs laser system, in logarithmic scale, with and without DPM

    图  10  (a)利用凹面等离子体镜改善光束F数的实验示意图 (b)激光器自身输出F/2.7的光束焦斑 (c)利用等离子体凹面镜实现F/0.4的光束焦斑

    Figure  10.  (a) Experimental setup for tight focusing of ultrahigh-intensity laser pulses by low F-number confocal EPM. (b) Focal spot provided by the conventional F/2.7 output. (c) Focal spot in the output of the F/0.4, images are in common logarithm scale

    图  11  (a)交叉光束在等离子体中相互作用的示意图 (b)交叉光束能量转移和相移的激发特性

    Figure  11.  (a) Schematic diagram of cross beam interaction in plasma. (b) Excitation characteristics of cross beam energy transfer and phase shift

    图  12  等离子体偏振片和等离子体波片的概念设计

    Figure  12.  Conceptual design of plasma polarizer and plasma wave plate

    图  13  强磁化等离子体形成的极端法拉第效应

    Figure  13.  The extreme Faraday effect of strongly magnetized plasma

    图  14  基于等离子体束匀滑的靶设计示意图

    Figure  14.  Schematic of the target arrangement to study the interaction of the PII-beam with a solid target

    图  15  等离子体光谱调制器示意图

    Figure  15.  Schematic of a plasma optical modulator

    图  16  等离子体全息的形成过程示意图

    Figure  16.  Schematic diagram of plasma holographic formation process

    图  17  基于磁化等离子体的Q-plate对光束的调控特性

    Figure  17.  Characteristics of Q-plate based on magnetized plasma

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