Light scattering by prolate ice cylinder
摘要: 以中纬度卷云中常见的长柱状冰晶为例,利用长柱状粒子光散射理论,探讨了入射光为线偏振时,电矢量平行和垂直于入射面情况下,单个长柱状粒子的散射光强度分布和偏振特性随入射角、尺度参数与偏振态的转化关系:随着入射角的增大,散射强度、偏振总体趋于对称且数值振荡频率降低,散射强度总体减小,偏振的改变程度总体增大;随着尺度参数的增大,散射强度、偏振的数值振荡频率增大,散射强度数值振荡峰的幅度整体减小,电矢量平行于粒子长轴时主偏振的数量、强度和位置皆有变迁,电矢量垂直于粒子长轴时前后主偏振位置相对固定;随着偏振度的减小,散射强度、偏振趋向于一致,两者的数值改变程度减小,当偏振度减小到0时,散射强度、偏振变得完全相同。选取火山尘埃和烟灰与冰晶对比,阐述了粒子散射光的强度分布和偏振特性随折射率的变化规律:折射率虚部不改变散射强度的整体趋势,但使散射强度和偏振的振荡峰幅度增大,当其数值较大时,使得偏振的数值振荡峰覆盖范围拓宽。Abstract: Ice cylinders are common in middle-latitude cirrostratus. Using wave theory for infinitely long cylinder irradiated by linearly polarized light, the intensity and polarization of scattering light by single ice cylinder are studied at different incident angles, size parameters and polarizations of incident light: (1) With increase of incident angle, intensity and polarization tend to be symmetrical and their numeric oscillation frequencies decrease. Intensity of scattering light totally weaken and changing degree of polarization increas; (2) With increase of size parameter, numeric oscillation frequencies of intensity and polarization increase, but amplitude of scattering intensity oscillation totally decrease; the number, intensity and location change when electric vector is parallel to in
Key words:
- atmospheric optics /
- prolate ice cylinder /
- scattering intensity /
- polarization

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