Pulse-width dependent radiation effects on electronic components
摘要: 采用了2种γ脉冲辐射源,在脉冲宽度分别约为20,50,150 ns,剂量率为106~109 Gy(Si)·s-1下,对5种不同类型的电子器件进行了辐照试验并对其辐照响应进行了分析,比较了不同脉冲宽度条件下辐照响应的差异。实验结果表明:脉冲宽度是影响瞬时辐照效应的重要因素,γ脉冲宽度越宽,辐照响应越强,分离器件比集成电路受脉宽的影响更明显。Abstract: Mechanism of pulse-width effects on electronic components is described. The relationship of pulse-width and radiation response is presented. Five types of devices are tested under three different pulse-widths(about 20 ns,50 ns,150 ns) of different simulative radiation sources, the dose rate is about 106 to 109 Gy(Si)/s. The experiment results are analysed and discussed. The differences of radiation response under different pulse-widths are compared. It is shown that radiation effects are strongly influenced by pulse-width. Under the same radiation dose rate, longer γ pulse-width brings longer radiation storage time and stronger radiation response to devices. Discrete device is more obviously influenced by pulse-width than integrated circuit.
Key words:
- pulse-width /
- radiation effect /
- dose rate /
- radiation storage time

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