Characteristics of two-layer patch microstrip antenna for high power wide-band microwave radiation
摘要: 研究了用于宽带高功率微波辐射的双层贴片微带天线输入阻抗带宽和辐射特性,提出一种适合于高功率微波辐射的圆锥传输线馈电结构以减小传统馈电探针的引线感抗,使天线的功率容量提高到百MW级,同时作为同轴线到径向传输线的过渡变换,使反射系数降低近50%。通过数值计算分析了不同的介质基底厚度组合和贴片尺寸对天线带宽的影响,优化参数后的天线带宽达到了34.9%(电压驻波比小于3),带内平均增益高于6.5 dB,最大增益8.3 dB,主辐射方向上的远场辐射因子与馈入宽带脉冲幅度比值大于1.3。分析了天线的功率容量,模拟计算表明该天线可用于辐射幅值300 kV的宽带高功率微波。Abstract: Characteristics of a two-layer patch microstrip antenna(MSA) for high power wide-band microwave radiation was studied. A new conical feeder was introduced to reduce lead inductance of conventional probe feeder. It increases antenna’s power capacity to hundred megawatt level and plays as a convertor between coaxial waveguide and dielectric resonator, which means less reflection at the port. The effect of dielectric substrate thickness and patch size on MSA’s bandwidth was analyzed based on electromagnetic simulation. Percentage bandwidth of 34.9% (voltage standing-wave ratio less than 3) was obtained after dimension optimization, the gain is above 6.5 dB over the whole band with the maximum of 8.3 dB at 310 MHz, and the ratio of far-zone radiation factor to input impulse voltage is 1.3 i

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