采用PLASIMO程序模拟了入口处Ar流速对多级弧放电产生的非热平衡Ar等离子体特性的影响。模拟结果发现:从入口处到出口处,沿中心轴线,压强逐渐降低,电子平均能量基本保持不变。当流速一定时,从器壁到中心轴线处,电子数密度呈增大趋势;从入口处到出口处,电子数密度呈先增大后减小的趋势;当流速分别为50,100,150和200 cm3/s时,电子数密度最大值分别为10.131021,16.311021,18.981021和26.331021 m-3;随着流速的增大,其电子数密度逐渐增大。当流速一定时,从器壁到中心轴线处,电子温度逐渐增大;从入口处到出口处,电子温度呈先增大后减小再增大的趋势,并在中心轴线处距入口55~60 mm有最大值,当流速分别为50,100,150和200 cm3/s时,其最大值分别为1.299,1.234,1.157和1.132 eV;由于入口处和器壁处的电子温度都为0.517 eV,所以随着Ar流速的增大,其电子温度逐渐减小。当Ar流速一定时,从器壁到中心轴线处,离子温度逐渐增大;从入口处到出口处,离子温度呈先增大后减小的趋势,并且在中心轴线距入口20~30 mm离子温度取得最大值,当流速分别为50,100,150和200 cm3/s时,离子温度最大值分别为0.815 6,0.907 02,0.975 2和1.014 eV。随入口处流速的增大,电弧腔体内的离子温度逐渐增大。
In this study PLASIMO program developed by Eindhoven University of Technology was used to investigate the effects of argon flow velocity on argon plasma in the cascaded arc. The simulation results are in good agreement with available experimental data that along the symmetry axis, the pressure decreases but the electron temperature increases from the inlet to the outlet. The effects of flow velocity of argon on plasma properties were investigated. The simulation results show that for argon arc discharges, with increasing the flow velocity, the electron density and the heavy particle temperature increases, while the electron temperature decreases. Along the symmetry axis, the electron temperatures are all above 1 eV and the heavy particle temperatures are all about 1 eV at differe