High-resolution alpha-particle spectrometry based on 4H silicon carbide semiconductor detectors
摘要: 为突破传统半导体核探测器耐高温与抗辐照性能不足的瓶颈,采用4H-SiC宽禁带半导体材料研制了4H-SiC探测器,并研究其构成的探测系统对粒子的能量分辨率和能量线性度。所研制4H-SiC探测器漏电流低,当外加反向偏压为200 V时,其漏电流仅14.92 nA/cm2。采用具有5种主要能量粒子的226Ra源研究其构成的探测系统对粒子的能量分辨率,获得4H-SiC探测系统对4.8~7.7 MeV能量范围内粒子的能量分辨率为0.61%~0.90%,与国际上报道的高分辨4H-SiC探测系统能量分辨率一致。同时,实验结果表明:4H-SiC探测系统对该能量范围内粒子的能量线性度十分优异,线性相关系数为0.999 99。Abstract: Semiconductor detectors made of 4H-SiC material are desirable for applications in harsh environments with high temperature and/or intense radiation. We report the energy resolution and energy linearity of 4H-SiC semiconductor detector using as an alpha particle spectrometer. The leakage current of the 4H-SiC detector is only 14.92 nA/cm2, when a reverse bias of 200 V is applied on it. The energy resolution and energy linearity of 4H-SiC detector are studied using a 226Ra alpha source. The energy resolution of the 4H-SiC detector is 0.61%-0.90% for the 4.8-7.7 MeV alpha particles, which is comparable with the energy resolution results of commercial silicon detectors. The energy linearity of the 4H-SiC detector is very attractive, with the linearly dependent coefficient as good as 0.999 99. This work demonstrates the outstanding energy resolution and energy linearity properties of 4H-SiC semiconductor detectors.
Key words:
- energy resolution /
- semiconductor detector /
- SiC

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