无气流和切向气流马赫数分别为0.50,0.85条件下,开展了碳纤维/环氧材料激光辐照损伤特性研究实验,对碳纤维、环氧树脂和复合材料热失重曲线、温度历史曲线以及实验后复合材料损伤形进行分析,结果表明:由于切向气流阻止材料燃烧且对材料表面起冷却作用,无气流条件下材料的热损伤区域远大于激光辐照区域,与切向气流条件相比,材料后表面温升时间长、温升幅值高;在切向气流环境下,由于气流作用使得材料的损伤包括烧蚀损伤和断裂损伤;从损伤形貌和后表面温度历史、温升速率比较来看,在切向气流马赫数为0.50~0.85的速度范围内,碳纤维/环氧材料在切向气流和连续激光(102 W/cm2量级)联合作用下的损伤差异不明显。
The damage effects of CW laser on carbon fiber/epoxy composite were studied experimentally at 0.5, 0.85 Mach airflow and no airflow on material surface. Through the thermal weight loss curves of epoxy, carbon fiber and carbon fiber/epoxy composite analysis, the rear surface temperatures and the ablation patterns were compared. The results show that because of material combustion prevented and cooling effect, the damage zone is bigger, the last temperature is higher and the time of the temperature rise is longer under no airflow condition. When the flow speed ranges from 0.5 Mach to 0.85 Mach, the damage difference of carbon fiber/epoxy composite irradiated by CW laser is not obvious.