设计了一种爆磁压缩发生器(FCG)初级紧凑型电脉冲源,分析了电脉冲源组成、工作原理及最佳输出时序模型。采用爆炸驱动滑块型放电开关方案,实验测试了开关高压下闭合放电性能。电脉冲源体积132 mm200 mm,质量12.5 kg,工作电压5 kV,初始储能约750 J,充电时间不大于30 s;静态馈电FCG(42 H,78 m),输出电流峰值不小于5.4 kA,输出能量不小于600 J;动态馈电FCG,时序控制误差不大于5 s,耦合电流值不小于5.2 kA,耦合能量不小于550 J;电脉冲源有效储能密度不小于200 mJ/cm3,能量传递效率不小于75%。
A compact seed source for explosive magnetic flux compression generators was developed, and its components, working principle, best output time sequence model were analyzed. An explosive-driven slide unit was designed for switching scheme, and its performance was tested at high voltage. The compact seed source is a system with Ф132 mm200 mm volume, 12.5 kg weight, 5 kV operating voltage, nearly 750 J storing energy, less than 30 s charging time, capable of delivering energy more than 600 J or current more than 5.4 kA into an flux compression generators load (42 H, 78 m) at static condition, coupling energy more than 550 J or current more than 5.2 kA at dynamic condition, time sequence control error less than 5 s, effect energy density more than 200 mJ/cm3, and transfer efficiency more than 75%.