Design of array antenna for generating dual-frequency electromagnetic vortex in Ku and K band
摘要: 涡旋电磁波具有携带轨道角动量的特性,利用这一特性,采用涡旋电磁波作为信号的载体,可以实现同一时间、同一频段的多路信号传输,极大地提高系统容量和频带利用率。以同轴馈电的半圆型开槽微带天线为单元,设计出了一种能工作在Ku波段和K波段的涡旋电磁阵列天线。使用三维电磁场仿真软件建模并且优化参数,最终得到在中心频率分别为17.1 GHz和19.7 GHz时,阵列天线产生的电磁波携带有轨道角动量。结论表明:该阵列天线能够产生双频涡旋电磁波。Abstract: The vortex electromagnetic wave has the characteristic of carrying orbital angular momentum. Based on this feature, vortex electromagnetic waves are used as signal carrier to achieve multi-channel signal simultaneous transmission within the same frequency band, which greatly improves the system capacity and bandwidth utilization. In this paper, by utilizing the circular microstrip antenna with a semicircular slotter as an element, a kind of electromagnetic vortex generating antenna array is designed, which can work in the Ku band and K band. The array antenna is modeled and its parameters are optimized with the help of high frequency structure simulator. The analysis of the simulation results indicate that electromagnetic waves generated by the array antenna can carry the orbital angular momentum when the center frequencies are chosen as 17.1 GHz and 19.7 GHz respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that the array antenna can generate dual frequency vortex electromagnetic wave.
表 1 阵列天线设计参数
Table 1. Parameters of array antenna
r/mm r1/mm r2/mm r3/mm h/mm a/mm b/mm w/mm 11.88 4.0 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.05 1.5 35.8 -
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